Panadura BV produces well disciplined intellectuals
View(s):Panadura Balika Vidyalaya, one of the leading schools in Sri Lanka will mark its 62nd birth this year. The school was started as an

College Environment
evening school using the resources of Mahanama Vidyalaya Panadura and she stood on her own feet from September 22, 1955 in the heart of the city of Panadura with Soma Munindradasa as the first principal of the school. The school was greatly assisted by the philanthropists of Panadura area including Mr.Upali Dias and Panadura Bauddha Sangamaya.
In 1971 Madam Munindradasa was transferred and Madam P. Fonseka, Madam A.L. Perera, Madam Durga Wijemanne took over duties as principals in the years ranging from 1971,1975 and 1995 respectively until the present principal Madam K.H.

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Amara Nandanee assumed duties in 2006. She has worked tirelessly to bring the school up to the present state which prevails today.
Today, the school comprises of grade 6 up to A/L classes; belongs to 1AB category, with facilities available for several subject streams, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. There are 1640 students studying under her wing with the guidance of 74 efficient teachers. The A/L subject streams are of Science, Arts, and Commerce streams and they have produced outstanding, results placing the school in the 4th position in the island for A/L arts and commerce

streams in 2012 and G.C.E O/L- 2012 as well, according to the index of Examination Department. The school has produced 82 undergraduates in 2012 and every year the school keeps up this standard more or less; giving top priority to it. The school has both English and Sinhala medium of instruction, functioning efficiently under the keen observation of the principal and the staff.
The school is always led and guided according to her motto, “Medhawani Seelawanthi” to produce well disciplined intellectuals.
Balikans have flourished in sports, media, environmental association, debating drama and and many other co-curricular activities.
The school instrumental band is a proud product of Panadura Balika and it builds up a girl children of a balanced personality with some sense of aesthetic skills. School Prefects’ Guild is very cautious when selecting new recruits; the best person will never be ignored for any reason. Leadership programmes are conducted annually by the Prefects’ Guild as it is very particular about producing quality leaders for the school; then to the nation.

Western Band
The school bears a very positive attitude towards promoting languages among the students. Many positive, progressive steps have been taken within the last few years so as to promote languages. The English unit of the school is functioning effectively at improving specially the students’ speech skills.
The present Principal is of the view that a person should not be a monolingual and with that view she has introduced Japanese, Hindi, English Literature, and Tamil languages to the school. English and Sinhala literary Associations of the school are being conducted with a lot of enthusiasm with the intention of motivating students towards language learning. Imparting the culture to the students has been identified as one of the main aims of the school and she never fails to perform all cultural events and rest of the subjects days to impart traditions views and the skills to the students.
Promoting computer literacy has been identified as another important aim and many measures have been taken so as to achieve this target. The Computer Learning Centre of the school conducts evening classes to encourage students in order to engage in online competitions.
Also the school has recorded many achievements. The school senior instrumental band was placed first in the Western Province inter school brass band competition – 2012. The school English Choir won the first place in Kalutara zonal English Day competitions 2012. Provincial second place has been recorded by the school in the all island mandolin play, provincial second place in folk songs and the third place in Hindi songs. The first place was accomplished in all island under 19 competition. Gymnastic tournaments 2012;

College Dancers
championship in Kalutara zonal hockey tournament 2012 and cricket championship as well. The school has won National ICT Excellence Awards – 2012 (10th place) : A category.
School cricket, hockey, gymnastic, badminton, table tennis, chess have been introduced recently along with volleyball, netball, elle, swimming and athletics which has already been functioning properly. Damayanthi Darsha, the internationally known renowned athlete is a past pupil of Panadura Balika and she was first introduced to the sports arena by the school. There are many outstanding personalities among the school’s past pupils. All night aesthetic programmes ; nadanu, Saundarya rathri…etc , art exhibitions, home science exhibitions, practical technical skills exhibitions are all conducted with a proper plan so that they are beneficial and enhance the students’ organizing skills.
Many factors have been identified as the live wires behind all these excellent student performances and they are a real strength to school. Skillful dedicated staff is an asset to the school. Over 40 of the teachers on the staff are rewarded by the Ministry for their excellent career performances. The Gold medalist of the National level most creative teacher – 2012 and the first place winner of National level teacher creations 1-8 2012 are among them. The Principal Mrs Amara Nandanie is of the view that all these achievements will not be possible if not for her dedicated staff.
The School Development Committee and the school development society provides tremendous strength to school. The school old Girls’ Association is very strong in the true sense of the word is another commendable driving factor of the school.
The school has very well identified her mission “To produce a girl child who is capable of moulding the nation with her capabilities, education and sincerity” and planned out all her activities accordingly. Panadura Balika Maha Vidyalaya is hopeful and of a clear view to achieve her mission in the years to come.
-Sujitha Miranda
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