Rewarding Outstanding Media Personnel
Journalists and producers from national newspapers, radio and television stations are to be honoured for outstanding articles / programmes that enhance awareness on role and impact of engineers in the improvement of standard of living of the people.
Printed and electronic news media, are the most effective medium for creation of such awareness and molding of public opinion on engineering issues whether it is supply of utilities for their day to day sustenance or larger infrastructures needs in the transport and telecommunication sector, etc.
Through this award the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL), the premier body for the engineering profession in the country, hopes to encourage continued balanced coverage of engineering issues which enhances awareness on the subject and overall

Eng. Tilak De Silva – President, IESL
awareness on the role engineers play for the upkeep and improvement of living standards of the society.
Articles / programmes that appeared between 1st January 2012 and 31stDecember, 2012 are eligible for the award. Application Forms and Guidelines could be obtained from IESL website contact by contacting IESL Secretariat, 120 /15 WijeramaMawatha, Colombo -07. Tel: 2698426 Ext. 232.
The Award for Excellence in Engineering Journalism will share the limelight with many other award categories; Eminence in Engineering, Excellence in Engineering for Individuals, Excellence in Engineering for Organizations, Engineering Entrepreneur, Young Chartered Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Social Responsibilities & Environment, Engineering Heritage and Outstanding Engineering Education for which outstanding achievements and accomplishments will be rewarded
IESL, the premier professional body for engineers in Sri Lanka is committed towards uplifting the status and interest of the engineering profession in the country. The Engineering Awards are presented by the IESL to encourage and celebrate this excellence in the science and the practice of engineering by rewarding the best and the finest of its members, individuals, organizations and companies in Sri Lanka for their outstanding accomplishments and achievements related to engineering.ww
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