Bachelor of Technology in local Universities from 2016
A new Degree titled Bachelor of Technology (BTec) will be introduced in local universities by 2016, in a fresh bid to cater to the job market, Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena told the Education Times. As a prelude, a new Technology stream for GCE Advanced Level (AL) students is being introduced in schools from next month, [...]
Electoral registers in support of Year 1 admissions from Grama Niladari: Polls Chief

Elections’ Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya has appealed to parents seeking Year 1 admissions for their children, not to call over at his office to obtain copies of previous electoral register needed to support their applications, but instead, to collect it from their respective Grama Niladari or from the Divisional Secretariats Hundreds of parents intending to admit [...]
Nanotechnology to be taught in schools
School children are to be educated on the use of Nanotechnology – the science of the small where extremely small things can be used across all the other science fields such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering. The first Nanotechnology park is under construction in Homagama. Technology, Research and Atomic Energy Minister Champika [...]
ALs- old and new syllabus, from Aug.5-Aug.31
The GCE Advanced Level (old and new) syllabus will be held from August 5 to August 31, said Commissioner General of Examinations W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara.
Golden Jubilee of Hillwood College Kandy PPA- Colombo Branch

The Past Pupils’s Association (PPA) of the Colombo Branch of Hillwood College Kandy celebrated its Golden Jubilee recently. It was inaugurated in 1963, under the patronage of Her Excellency Seela Rambukwella Gopallawa, wife of then Governor General Sir William Gopallawa. Office bearers of the first committee were: Patron- Mrs Seela Rambukwella Gopallawa, Chairperson- Dulcie Dunuwilla [...]
Teacher shortage despite 1 for 17 students national average
Schools are facing a shortage of teachers, partly caused by the flawed placement of them, a leading Education trade union claimed this week. ‘There is a shortage of teachers in the country that needs to be addressed immediately by the authorities,” Ceylon Teachers Union General Secretary Joseph Stalin told the Education Times. He said that, [...]
DS Interact Club presents “Model UN 2013”

D.S. Senanayake College Interact Club last week presented its inaugural “Interact Model United Nations 2013” The topic for the day was “Terrorism and the threat posed to International peace and security”. ‘The debate was fierce, making the delegates more enthusiastic to participate. It may have been interact only, but it was for making a comfortable [...]
Siblings return parcel with Rs 28,000 seen falling off trishaw
Two students – a brother and sister from Kegalle, were this week praised for their act of returning a parcel of money, they found, to the owner. The two students Erandi Madushika of Year 4 and Kavindu Sampath of Year 8, of Perakum Maha Vidyalaya, Dedigama, Kegalle, were the students who came in for praise [...]
Indian sponsored schols for estate kids
Applications have been invited from children of estate workers resident on estates, for award of scholarships by the Ceylon Estate Workers Education Trust (CEWET). These scholarships are available for GCE Advanced Level (AL), undergraduate courses and for students undergoing vocational /technical education in any of the Government Technical Colleges in Sri Lanka. Students who have [...]
A rite to education to help oneself
A programme launched by a group of volunteers to educate elders is gaining momentum, prompting them to spread it to other segments in society, including children. Building around the core belief that everyone has a right to education, and that, anyone can make a difference, the volunteers visit Elders’ homes. They help underprivileged/disadvantaged elders build [...]
Study Medicine & Health sciences at the prestigious International Medical University

This would be the best chance for students as well as parents to get information on the INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, (IMU)- Malaysia right here from Pathe study medicine. IMU is located in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Widely considered as the best Medical university in Malaysia, IMU is not merely accepted by the University Grants [...]
CA Sri Lanka Career Fair to offer training opportunities with leading companies
Students from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) can enjoy unlimited access to hundreds of training opportunities at the CA Sri Lanka Career Fair which will be held on June 18th at the Institute’s Colombo 7 premises. The career fair, open to all CA Students seeking training opportunities at certificate [...]
Join the Top 1% of the World’s Best Universities
Monash University has made its mark as a University of high standards for quality. A degree from Monash is a student’s first and perhaps most significant step towards career success. As a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight universities and internationally recognised as being in the top 1% of the world’s universities (Times Higher [...]
Join University after O/Levels Why do a Degree after O/Levels?

After receiving O/Level results the ever so popular option will be to do A/Levels. Doing London/ local A/Level is the traditional option. According to University Grants Commission (UGC) only 10% out of two hundred and thirty thousand (230,000) A/Level candidates are privileged to study state university system. That means more than two hundred thousand (200,000) [...]
Study in Gemmology leading to become a professional Gemmologist

To become an accredited gemmologist, one should obtain qualifications from an internationally reputed gemmological organization. When obtaining a gemstone report it is important to check that it has been issued by a reputable, independent gem testing laboratory and certified by gemmologists qualified from an internationally reputed organization. Many of qualified gemmologists also have jobs within [...]
MBA ‘s can now fast track to CIMA
The globally acclaimed professional qualification in business management CIMA is now easily accessible to those holding a MBA. CIMA, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants UK has introduced an innovative fast-track route for MBA holders to become CIMA qualified – the CIMA Masters Gateway assessment. This fast track route is a unique offering from the world’s [...]
Lathikka Niriella Sri Lanka’s top Quizzer

Pat Gibson wins World Quiz Championship Lathikka Niriella re-esatblished his position as the top Sri Lankan Quiz player when a record number of Sri Lankan Quizzers competed with the world’s best in the 11th Annual World Quizzing Championships, at the DLC Auditorium at SLIDA, Malalasekeara Mawatha, Colombo 7 – last Saturday 1st June. England’s Pat [...]
Have you completed your Edexcel or Cambridge A/L’s?
“The Degree at IIHE is the best programme of its kind for management. It includes real life exposure to corporate problem solving and the research based dissertation that moulds you as a professional, enables you to face any challenge in the business world with confidence. This experience was invaluable” says Inoshi Ratnasekera Management Trainee at [...]
IIT highly praised by a mother

Every parent wants the best for their children. From the time the tiny tot turns around with a big toothless smile and utters his or her first word, parents dream and constantly worries about their children’s education. With the globally accepted courses offered at Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), parents now have little to fear [...]
Vesak Bakthi Gee at Wycherley

In the multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi racial mix of the students in the educational system at Wycherley, it is the inherent duty of the school to instil religious values in the hearts and minds of the students. The Vesak Bakthi Gee of the Elementary Section took place on 31st May 2013 at the Junior [...]
Neptune edification awarded license to conduct acca computor based examinations
Neptune Edification the only official tuition provider in Kandy for ACCA has now obtained the license for ACCA Computer based exams ( CBE) . The exams which will commence from first week of June 2013 would consist of many facilities , for students registering for ACCA / FIA exams .These include exams being arranged throughout [...]
Horizon Campus to offer 100 scholarships for University of London Degree Programmes

Horizon City Campus will hold a scholarship examination for students who wished to read for a LL.B. or Bsc. degree from the University of London, for the academic year 2013/14 (Within the axis of UoL International Programmes). A total of 100 scholarships are to be offered to students on the local tuition fees due to [...]
“Sustainable Value Creation through Cost Efficiency”
CMA the National Professional Management Accounting Body incorporated by Act of Parliament No. 23 of 2009 will be focusing on the theme “Sustainable Value Creation through Cost Efficiency” in order to drive the importance of proper cost and management accounting in both the public and private sector which is a prerequisite for sustainable value creation [...]
Becoming a Healthcare Professional
Many parents want their children to become doctors. While this is a noble thought it is important to study and understand the processes and required outcomes. It is a fact that there are many routes to becoming a Doctor but the routes to being able to practise is not that many. Also one has to [...]
NZMA –the ideal place to study downunder
NZMA is a 100 percent New Zealand-owned private tertiary institution founded 28 years ago. Specialising in hospitality and cookery training, NZMA has five vibrant campuses – four in Auckland and one in Hamilton – which are home to over 2000 domestic and around 400 international students per year, from 31 different countries. Offering a wide [...]
New students now being enrolled for Colombo University BIT Degree
The University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) is now enrolling students for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) degree programme, said Prof. Gihan Wikramanayake, the Director of this premier institution of higher studies. “We will be enrolling our 14th batch of students this time. The BIT degree course was launched in the year 2000. [...]
Full-fee scholarship to study engineering in the UK

High-achieving students can now apply for the exclusive Sheffield Hallam University/City & Guilds Sri Lankan Engineering Scholarship. This full-fee scholarship is a result of a joint partnership between Sheffield Hallam University and City & Guilds – one of the UK’s leading organisations in vocational education. City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma holders can study for [...]
12month MBA at Oxford College of Business – MBA for the Business Elite

A Welcome Challenge Deshika Rodrigo describes her 12-month MBA experience at OCB as “a real commitment. It is like a job or a relationship; it is 12months where your life changes and you will have a whole new outlook!” Deshika holds a degree in HR and Psychology and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute [...]
Earn an internationally recognised MBA or BA degree online from University of St. Mark and St. John – UK

University of St Mark & St John has over 170 years of heritage, tradition, academic excellence and experience working in partnership with higher education institutions to offer a broad range of collaborative higher education programmes. WHY STUDY ONLINE? The BA (Hons) Business Degree and MBA online are offered through a state of the art learning environment, [...]
Facing the middle management squeeze? The 12month MBA at Oxford College of Business is the best choice!

12month AIB MBA designed for the senior Manager A way out of what many call the ‘middle management squeeze’ is through personal development and education. Able and ambitious professionals can very quickly plateau in middle management positions and become frustrated with the lack of opportunity to progress up the career ladder. Most managers in the [...]
Aluthgama Zahira College has great potential

Aluthgama Zahira College, as it was known at the beginning, is rendering a valuable and outstanding service to the Tamil medium students since its inception. It was established as a branch of the Zahira College, Colombo in 1942 when the Second World War started to affect the city of Colombo. Dr. T.B Jayah, then principal [...]
Holy Family Convent Kalutara the first school to go ‘GREEN’

Holy Family Convent, a land mark in Kalutara, is a vision that blossomed into reality in 1934. It bears witness to the total commitment, dedication and above all the love and concern of the pioneer Irish religious nuns had, to uplift the social standards of the girls in the vicinity and those from the fishing [...]
Advanced Level to Corporate Leader? Join IIHE BSc (Hons) Management Degree
The labour market in Sri Lanka, especially the private sector employers, demand well-qualified degree holders with good language competencies and interpersonal skills in addition to subject knowledge. The graduates from local universities generally have the knowledge but perhaps lack the soft skills required by the private sector. Therefore, the Imperial Institute of Higher Education (IIHE) [...]
Why not a globally acclaimed career in Interior Design?

At Northumbria/AOD International Design Campus With Sri Lanka’s on-going boom in tourism and construction, careers in interior/architectural design are in high demand. Providing an international entry path to this lucrative industry, Northumbria University School of Design UK, one of Europe’s top 5 design schools, presents its globally acclaimed, 100% internal degree in interior design at [...]
Cambridge International Advanced Levels will enhance your career
Cambridge International A/Level is one of the most sought after and recognized qualifications in the world. For the past 50 years, Cambridge International A/Level qualifications have been proven to be accepted as evidence of academic ability for entry into Universities and other institutes of higher education. They are regarded as a passport to success in [...]
After O/Levels? The Monash University Foundation Year at ANC offers a head start to a world class degree
MUFY is a world recognized equivalent to A/Levels and is accepted for entry into all Australian Universities and other top universities around the world. For a student after O/Levels, the Monash University Foundation Year has been designed and developed by Monash academics especially to assist with their transition to university. ANC Education is the provider [...]
Memorable occasion for young Partheepan

It was a memorable occasion for young Partheepan Shyamsunthar (Colombo International School – Kandy), the latest student to be placed by Scholarships for USA (Pvt) Ltd ( at the University of Cincinnati ( with its Global Scholarship (to study Electrical Engineering) when introduced to Kishu Gomes MD/CEO Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC. Kishu, sharing his life [...]
Gateway College students receive handsome scholarship offers from Asia’s Number 1. University

Ten Gateway students who received outstanding AS results have been offered handsome scholarship offers, with some going up to 100% waiver of tuition fees, from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) – Asia’s Number 1 University. During the past two years HKU has given scholarships to many Gateway College students. Ramesh Weerakoon, who joined HKU [...]
Institute of Chemistry Ceylon Distinguished Service award
This award is made to felicitate members who have given much of their time towards the activities of the Institute and served the Institute with dedication. This year award will be given to Dr. Nandani Ediriweera, Consultant Food Technologist and Prof. M. D. P. De Costa, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Colombo. Dr. Nandani Ediriweera [...]
American College of Higher Education: Trusted partner of your future

American College of Higher Education along with its subsidiaries, American International School and Sheraton Institute of Information Technology, today holds pride of place as a reputed educational institution. Steady and consistent progress over a period of eighteen years has given its strength and stature to serve the nation in keeping with its socio-economic imperatives and [...]
Step up for CIMA success at Imperial College

CIMA is a qualification that pushes the boundaries of accounting and ensures that you are qualified in Finance and professionally trained in Business Management. It will equip you with skills that will make you capable of advising on business strategy, risk management and the overall direction of the company you work for. This is why [...]
World Renowned Qualifications from ICFAI

ICFAI University – India ICFAI Education Lanka (IEL) which is Board of Investment Approved (BOI) Company was established as the Sri Lankan branch of ICFAI University in India in the year 2004. At that time no other foreign University branch was operating in Sri Lanka and IEL is in existence in Sri Lanka for the [...]
“Management and the Environment” A public lecture – 20th June 2013

The Institute of Management of Sri Lanka ( IMSL) jointly with the Sri Lanka Foundation (SLF) regularly arranges public lectures on contemporary and timely management topics, together with IMSL will conduct its next public lecture in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Foundation (SLF) on Thursday, 20th June 2013, at the Sri Lanka Foundation, 100, Independence [...]
Gain World Class Postgraduate Qualifications from NSBM

The National School of Business Management (NSBM), the leader in Innovative Business and IT Education proudly launches Post Graduate Diploma Programmes approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka. These Programmes are specifically designed for working professionals with experience who seek a recognized qualification for career advancement. If you have a degree/diploma/professional qualification or [...]
Global demand for accountants growing much faster than other occupations
Demand for accountants is increasing throughout the world at a substantial rate. Figures from the U.S. Department of Labour’s Bureau of Statistics forecast growth in employment of accountants between 18 and 26 percent annually through to 2014. In many other parts of the world it is projected that employment of accountants and auditors will grow [...]
CIRP: front-runner in providing psychology education in the country

Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology is one of the leading education providers in Sri Lanka. Within a span of just three years, it has grown to be the front-runner in providing psychology education in the country. CIRP, along with the partnership of University of Hertfordshire and Coventry University offer a variety of psychology based [...]
IPM’s Human Resource Management Skills now in Negombo
The Institute of Personnel Management (IPM), Sri Lanka’s leader in creating human resource management professionals, will soon be opening its latest branch in Negombo. IPM will offer some of its most popular study courses at the Negombo branch. As an institution that thrives to foster HR professionals of the highest standard, IPM will guarantee the [...]
2 million IELTS tests in the last year… and still growing!

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) reinforces its position as the world’s most popular English proficiency test for higher education and global migration, with a record of two million tests taken around the world in the last 12 months. The two million test figure represents 11% growth in the number of tests taken in [...]
LIF T designers show their talents through external projects

External projects in any course discipline bring diversity to a course and enormous experience to students. Through projects of the real world students gets the exposure to the needs of the market and they get educated in various subject areas other than their main stream of study. It is an opportunity for a learner to [...]
Pet Day at MMI Pre School

Researches have shown that the presence of pets is beneficial to human health and well-being. Pets can have a profound impact on the psychological and intellectual development of children, which is why having a class pet or setting aside a designated day as “pet day” can be extremely beneficial to students and teachers alike. We [...]
First ever meeting between the Presidents of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka and Engineers Australia

National President of Engineers Australia Dr Marlene Kanga arranged an official meeting between the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka and Engineers Australia. This is the first ever meeting between two presidents of the institutions and it opens doors for further bilateral discussions in future. The meeting was held on 3rd of June at Engineers Australia, [...]
Important Information you need to know about education in UK

The G.C.E. A/L examination is a great platform for higher education but only a handful of people with top results are selected for the campus. In today’s world, doors are open to many higher education opportunities and therefore, most students prefer to complete their higher education in a foreign country and without a doubt, many [...]