A consumer who assaulted a meter reader in protest over the increase in his electricity bill, in Weeragula, Gampaha, was granted bail by Attanagalle Additional Magistrate and Additional District Judge this week. The incident occurred when a meter reader went on his monthly rounds to compute electricity tariffs. The consumer on seeing his increased bill, had [...]


Man who allegedly assaulted meter reader gets bail


A consumer who assaulted a meter reader in protest over the increase in his electricity bill, in Weeragula, Gampaha, was granted bail by Attanagalle Additional Magistrate and Additional District Judge this week. The incident occurred when a meter reader went on his monthly rounds to compute electricity tariffs.

The consumer on seeing his increased bill, had asked the meter reader the reason for it. In response, the meter reader explained that he was merely a meter reader and asked the individual to make a complaint to the Engineering office of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) of the area.

The consumer had then invited the meter reader into his house to talk about it, and assaulted him, Police said. The assailant was granted bail in Rs 7,500 and sureties of Rs 200,000 each. There were other incidents where consumers had abused meter readers when they visited houses this week.

“There has been a series of incidents which took place in Kurunegala, Kegalle and Kandy areas, where consumers have verbally abused meter readers. This has come to a point that meter readers threatened to avoid going to certain areas, as a result of the electricity tarrif increase,” said the Operations Committee member of the CEB Unions Alliance, Ranjan Jayalal.

He said that consumers claim that the electricity tariff hike was introduced to increase the CEB workers salaries and overtime payments. Mr. Jayalal said he has received complaints from meter readers saying that they were threatened not to come to certain areas because of this.

“Meter readers warned that they would resign if another assault takes place,” he said. A senior official of the CEB said they had advised meter readers to report such incidents and lodge complaints with the Police, if there were serious incidents.

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