Little known Thai temple with a long history

Duvindi Illankoon and Shaveen Jeewandara discover why Thai Royalty and dignitaries pay homage to the Dipaduttamaramaya temple in Kotahena Thai Premier Yingluck Shinawatra’s visit to Sri Lanka a few weeks ago was marked by several trips to significant Buddhist temples in the land. After visiting the most hallowed of them all, the Temple of the [...]
Letters to the editor

Redraw provincial boundaries The election to the Northern Provincial Council is to be held soon and parties are gearing for it. The Provincial Council was a concept of the then Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who was not familiar with the demography and other features of Sri Lanka. He imposed India’s regional devolution concept on [...]
Gentlest of human beings lost to a suicide bomber in Peshawar Zafar Khanzada As a college student and subsequently an undergrad, I look back on the friendships and the adventures we had with a nostalgic fondness. Uprooted from my island home Sri Lanka while still in my teens, I suddenly found myself ensconced in the [...]
Aye, aye mate!

As two young female graduates break new ground at the Sri Lanka Ports Authority Operational Division where till now women were restricted to office activities, Namini Wijedasa reports on the challenges faced by Lankan women in transport and logistics- traditionally male-dominated areas The Operations Division of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority—where the work doesn’t stop [...]
Look! It’s that elusive Small Flying Squirrel
One January night this year, researchers Ranil Nanayakkara, Nilantha Vishvanath and Taraka Kusuminda were walking along the Laggala – Illukkumbura road studying the bats, tarantulas and other nocturnal creatures in Knuckles. Scanning the canopy of trees along the road with their powerful flashlights, they suddenly spotted an ‘eye reflection’. Their first thought was that it [...]
Just 6 months old and the battle begins against biliary atresia
Her eyes light up every time he walks into the room and she murmurs and gurgles wanting him to pick her up and hold her close. The father-daughter bond is very strong, although Methnadi Uthkarsha is just six months old. For any other father, a life of joy would be ahead, but a cold fear grips [...]
A place where they can be different

When Luiz Loures, an UNAIDS official, walked into the three-storey building housing the Colombo office and lounge of a group supporting gays and people with a different sexual orientation, he was not only surprised but amazed at the courage of these men speaking out and openly expressing their views. Brazilian-born Mr. Loures, Deputy Executive Director, [...]
The two siblings who changed the course of history

Poson is the time when we talk about the significance of Sangamitta Theri and Ven. Mihindu who were instrumental in introducing and consolidating Buddhism in Sri Lanka. We meet them at this time of the year when Poson is celebrated especially in the Anuradhapura District. When we study the history of Buddhism, we realise that [...]
Influence of early Indian history on Buddhism here
Sri Lanka received the Buddhist Doctrine in 236 BC on a Poson full moon Poya day. Sent by the Emperor Asoka, the event changed the course of Lankan history. But can the arrival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka be treated as an isolated event? Did historical developments that took place in early India, impact on [...]
Devotional songs ring out in one voice
Music has the ability to bring our minds to an inspirational state through its soothing sounds. Whether we chant Buddha gathas, seth pirith and stanzas; sing Christian hymns; offer Hindu prayers to the Gods and mantrams as well as Islamic preachings, it is a kind of application of music used to calm the minds and purify [...]
Ven Nyanavimala, the wandering monk
Notes from Down Under It was the late 1980s.The frail but determined ‘Sudu hamuduruwo’ residing at Vajirarama would walk down Vajira Road, turn to Havelock Road and walk a little distance on his alms-round (‘pindapatha’ ) in the morning. In his late 70s, this German monk, Venerable Nyanavimala by then had a hip problem and [...]
Sashi’s students present “Drama Quartet”
‘It’s not raspberry juice, it’s blood.’ This is the sentence which brought about the plot for the devised drama ‘Melon’ written by the students of Sashi Mendis. Sashi Mendis presents yet another one of her productions “Drama Quartet” at the Punchi Theatre on June 30 from 6.30 p.m. A well known drama teacher Sashi has [...]
Giving shape to swirling ideas

Ajith Perera, the man behind Sri Lanka’s only handcrafted pottery firm calls for more public support to protect a dying technique When Ajith Mohan Perera closes his eyes, fresh ideas take shape. Intuition lines the crevices of his thoughts. Swirls of creativity dance in his eyes. A rainbow of colours fills his mind. “I have [...]
Then and now: The story of He Comes From Jaffna

Veteran thespian Jith Peiris tells Duvindi Illankoon why producing Professor E.F.C. Ludowyk’s timeless classic means so much to him There’s a couch in Jith Peiris’ living room that’s almost as well known in theatre circles as the man himself. Over 40 years it has done plenty of rounds to the Elphinstone and Punchi Theatre and [...]
Carrying on the traditions of STC’s Canon Roy Yin
Ishan De Lanerolle’s first memory of the late Canon Roy Yin dates back to 1998, when he was a senior at S. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia. Ishan remembers the hush as the Reverend walked past the students in graceful stride. Even many of those who had the privilege of being mentored by him, including former [...]
Incredible journey

Rohan de Saram in “Conversations” with Joachim Steinheuer An extraordinary book has recently been published where Joachim Steinheuer of Heidelberg University had Conversations with Rohan de Saram, the internationally renowned cellist. The book is extraordinary in many ways, not least because it reveals Rohan’s personal involvement and connection with musicians who had worked with the [...]
All about songs in Peries’ films

Kala Korner by Dee Cee Very often we seem to feel that Lester James Peries films did not have songs. They certainly had good background music scores which have left their mark in Sri Lankan cinema, like Maestro Khemadasa’s score in ‘Golu Hadawatha’. As for the songs, Lester’s first feature film ‘Rekawa’ came at a [...]
Asitha takes the lead in presenting an evening of Broadway classics

When tenor Asitha Tennekoon fills up the Russian Cultural Centre’s with his ‘Broadway Nights’ next weekend, he’ll be joined by Peshali Yapa, Melanie Bibile, Anagi Perera and budding young talent Laknath Seneviratne. Complementing them with superb music is pianist Eshantha Peiris. Asitha at just 27 years of age, has been hailed as one of the [...]
Brushing up on oral diseases

The Joint International Conference and sessions of the Sri Lanka Dental Association will be held on June 27. Here Dr. Hemantha Amarasinghe looks at the country’s dental health challenges Oral diseases are one of the most common health problems in any country. Dental caries, periodontal diseases and oral cancers are the main oral health problems [...]
Wild elephants, people and an electric fence

Elephants are creatures of habit but are also clever animals that learn from experience, as shown by this story of elephants at the Uda Walawe National Park electric fence along the Timbolketitya – Thanamalwila road. Initially there was only one elephant that came to the electric fence to be fed. That was in the late [...]
Road rage and our republican virtues
When it rains, it pours. And when it pours, the floodgates of human misery open. There is tragedy on the high seas, around open fields prone to lightning strikes, and by many swollen river banks island-wide. However, while nature continues to be ruthless in every aspect, the most reptilian behaviour of our metropolis’ humanity showcases [...]
Deshabandu Vishwakeerthi award
The Deshabandu Vishwakeerthi national award was presented to Deshabandu Lion Haji S.B.C. Thassim, JP by Samastha Lanka Nena Guna Padanama, Kotmale on May 5.
Angels without wings
Formed in 1963 the Contemplative Sisters of the Good Shepherd mark their golden jubilee Yes, indeed, they are angels without wings who spend their lives in prayer for anyone and everyone who needs them. Formed in 1963, the Contemplative Sisters of the Good Shepherd have been a community that I was and still am privileged [...]
‘LC Strides’ walk and minifair
Ladies’ College, Colombo encourages all students to participate in at least one sport and promotes this by making all facilities freely available. The College is fortunate to have a spacious back garden, tennis courts and its own swimming pool. However racquet sports, such as badminton and squash, have been difficult to popularise due to the [...]
National Trust lecture: Language on coins and bank notes of Lanka

“Language on Coins & Bank Notes of Lanka”, the National Trust lecture on June 27 will be delivered by Dr. Kavan Ratnatunga, President of the Sri Lanka Numismatic Society. Coins and bank notes of Lanka record the long history of language over a period longer than two millennia, and reflect the politics of the island. [...]
Vesak celebrations in Berlin Vihara

Vesak was celebrated at the Berlin Vihara (Das Buddhistische Haus in Berlin – Frohnau, Germany) on Sunday May 26 under the patronage of Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Germany Sarath Kongahage, and in the presence of a large gathering of Buddhists and well – wishers from Sri Lanka, Germany, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Bangladesh andothers. [...]
49th CEPA Open Forum
The Open Forum on Poverty on the topic of “Making Sustainability the next metric: The post 2015 development agenda” will be held on June 28 at 5 p.m. at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, 100, Sri Lanka Foundation Mawatha, Colombo 7. CEPA’s Open Forum will discuss sustainability in the development agenda. On the panel will [...]
GFS Hall celebrates 90 years
The 109 year old Girls’ Friendly Society will celebrate the 90th anniversary of its headquarters building with a thanksgiving service in the Hall this evening. This stately building was gifted to the Society by Charles Peiris in memory of his daughter Elsie who died at an early age. It was opened on June 23, 1923 [...]
Dr. P.R. Anthonis Memorial Oration 2013
The Deshamanya Dr. P.R. Anthonis Memorial Oration 2013, organised by the JICA Alumni Association will be delivered by MP Wijedasa Rajapakse, P.C. at 7 p.m. on June 29 at the Auditorium of the Sasakawa Memorial cultural centre, 22nd Lane, Colombo 3 on the theme “Humanity and Human Rights’.
RASSL lecture: ‘Distortions in Recent History Writings’
The Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL)’s monthly Public Lecture will be on “Distortions in Recent History Writings” by Bandu de Silva, former Ambassador on Monday, June 24 at 5 p.m. at the Gamini Dissanayake Auditorium, No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 7. The lecture is open to all.The lecture covers recent writings principally by [...]
Ambassador visits EU funded projects in Sri Lanka

Ambassador/ Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Bernard Savage, visited the European Union funded projects in Ampara, Batticaloa and Polonnaruwa earlier this month. Ambassador Savage, who will be completing his term as at the end of August this year, took this opportunity to observe and review the positive contributions [...]