Ashoka College Horana’s vision is to produce a well balanced personality
Ashoka College has been doing a tremendous service to the country by imparting education in the English Medium, which is the crying need of the day. Ashoka College has grown over the years to be a prominent school in the area. Ashoka College has made a tremendous impact in the educational sphere compared to the prestigious schools in the area. They have gone a step further to impart education with the salient features of a truly religious environment.
In the context of the extremely competitive modern world moving towards a global village the need for institutions of the caliber of Ashoka College has become imperative to provide an all-round education inculcating Sri Lankan values and a national identity. Such an education will help to produce educated, disciplined and dedicated citizens who will serve the nation wholeheartedly.
As an educational institute which imparts education in English Medium, the college can be proud of the achievements of their students and the achievements they have won for the college as a leading

Managing Director-Ven. Opalle Gnanasiri Thero
educational institute in the island. The unique religious background of the college ensures that the college produces future citizens with capacity and capability to function efficiently while retaining its cultural values.
Ashoka College, Horana was established as a government approved private school by Ven. Kahatapitiye

Principal Ranjith Perera
Rahula Thero on January 11, 1990. Since then it has functioned as a popular English medium school in the area providing wholesome education to an expanding student population. The school is equipped with all the facilities needed for such a venture and a new four storied building is being constructed to cater to the increasing demand to enter the school.
In the history of the school which spans more than 23 years Ashoka College has made outstanding achievements both in academic performance and in extra-curricular activities. Every year more than 95% students who sit the G.C.E. (O/L) examination qualify for the G.C.E. Advanced Level and last year the success rate was 98%. Although the instruction is provided in English, in the lower grades attention is paid to prepare the grade 5 students for scholarship examination and Ashokians have done well in that examination too. Last year 20 students out of 85 who sat for that examination got through. Two students secured 182 marks each!

Western Band – Senior
There have been four managing directors from the inception up to the present. Rev. Dr. Kahatapitiye Rahula Thero (1990-1999), Rev. Horana Vajiragnana Thero (1999-2001), Rev. Yagirala Mahinda Thero (2001-2002) and Rev. Opalle Gnanasiri Thero (2002-present) while the college in the past received the services of six principals – Mr. Somarathna Weerakoon (1991-2000), Mr. Jagath Muthukumarana (2000-2002), Mr. K. Rathnadasa (2002-2003), Mr. D.D.C. Munasinghe (2003-2006), Mr. J.A. Jayasena (2007-2008) and Mr. P.H. Premasiri (2010-2011)
The present principal is Mr. P.S. Ranjith Perera who has been successful in bringing in innovations intended to further uplift the teaching/ learning process in the college. He assumed duties as the principal of the college in June last year and since then he has introduced several staff development educational programmes for teachers and subject seminars for students. He is always encouraged in these activities by the managing director Venerable Opalle Gnanasiri Thero. Guidance given by that erudite Buddhist

Western Band - Junior
priest maintains the dedication and devotion of the academic staff which ensures the smooth functioning of the college management team which consists of renowned scholars who make a great contribution for the rapid progress of the institution.
When attention is drawn to the achievements made by the Ashokians, college western band deserves special mentioning. The first place in the Zonal English Group Singing Competition 2011 was won by the Ashokians and they managed to secure the second place at Provincial level in the same event during that year. Moving a step toward they were able to win first places in both senior and junior categories in English Group singing competition 2012. The college Dance Circle produced winners at provincial level in the All Island School Dancing Competition in 2011. In sports and games also Asokians have done well, Ashokians were the runners-up in All Island Badminton Tournament in 2011.
There are several clubs and societies functioning in Ashoka College which aims at producing a well-balanced personality in students. Buddhist Society, Environment Club, Media Unit, Sinhala Literary Association, English Literary Association, Chess Club and Cricket

Board of Prefects
Club are some of them. Ashoka College has been able to render and will continue to render immense service in the field of education in Sri Lanka. Every year the Media Unit of the college launches the Nethsara magazine which has become fertile ground for the budding flowers to bloom in full making the surroundings beautiful and fragrant.
As the saying goes “Proof of the pudding is in the eating” and Ashoka College has proved their dedication by producing scholars of local and international repute and at the same time earning great popularity whilst doing so. Rapid growth of the student population bears testimony to the College being able to live up to the expectations of the students and their parents. The college which started functioning with only six students at the start, today caters to the educational needs of more than 1500 students who belong to different levels of society.
The vision of the school is to produce a well-balanced personality in today’s student and develop in him/her the skills that would enable him/her to function as a successful inhabitant of the global village in the future. Ashoka College-Horana has already proved that she is capable of making her vision a reality.
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