A new one way traffic plan that had a trial run yesterday would be tested around the Maradana and Panchikawatte areas today. Vehicles heading from Panchikwatte junction to Pettah should proceed through the Panchikwatte Road and turn right at Elphinstone and proceed to the technical college junction while vehicles heading from Maradana towards Armour street [...]


New traffic plan in Maradana and Panchikawatte today


A new one way traffic plan that had a trial run yesterday would be tested around the Maradana and Panchikawatte areas today. Vehicles heading from Panchikwatte junction to Pettah should proceed through the Panchikwatte Road and turn right at Elphinstone and proceed to the technical college junction while vehicles heading from Maradana towards Armour street should proceed towards the technical junction and turn right towards Sangaraja Mawatha.

Vehicles from Pettah or the Supreme Courts complex to Mardana – Punchiborella or Gamini hall junction will have to travel via the Panchkiwatte Road junction and reach the Marada roundabout.

Vehicles plying from Maligawatte will not be able to turn towards Armour Street from the Panchchikawatte roundabout. Instead they would have to use the Kettarama road and enter the Grand Pass road and reach Armour Street junction.

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