Sunday Times 2
Who runs the world? Girls!

Oprah Winfrey was top of the list in 2010, but lost out to Jennifer Lopez last year
Oprah Winfrey is back in her throne on top of Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful celebrities, after a two-year stint in the runner-up seat.
The billionaire American talk-show host, 59, knocked singer Jennifer Lopez off the spot and into number 12, but still shares the top ten winners’ enclosure arena with a multitude of women.

Singer Beyonce came fourth on the list of Forbes' list of the world's most powerful celebrities, just below Steven Spielberg but above Madonna
There are six girls in the plum positions – and the only man to make it into the top five is film director Steven Spielberg, who, coming third, is sandwiched between Lady Gaga in second and Beyonce in fourth.
Singer and actress Madonna comes fifth and Taylor Swift makes her top 10 debut at number six in the annual Top 100 compiled by the financial magazine, which is based on income over a 12-month period and fame, as defined by a media presence across all platforms, as well as social media power.
Writer E.L. James is newcomer to the list at number 42, proving that celebrities with clout can come from anywhere. James has sold 70 million copies of her books and earned an estimated £50million in the last 12 months.
Forbes calculated celebrity’s earnings on income from tours, books, contracts, endorsements, movies and residuals and each star was given a marketability score, created by California market research firm E-Poll.
© Daily Mail, London
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