Cat Vs. Dog: Which one is cooler?
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- Your cats front paw has five toes and her back paw has four toes – unless she’s polydactyl, meaning she has extras toes. Cats ‘paw’ or ‘knead’ (repeatedly treading on a spot – sometimes its owner) to mark their territory. Since they sweat through their paws, they’re rubbing their scent onto you.
- Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs can only make 10. Plus, a cat has 32 muscles in each ear, with which she can hear ultrasonic sounds.
- Cat urine glows in the dark when a black light shines on it.
- In a lifetime, the average house cat spends approximately 10,950 hours purring. She purrs at the same frequency as a diesel engine, that is 26 purrs per second.
- During her productive life, one female cat could have more than 100 kittens. A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.
- All dogs, be it a Dachshund or a Poodle, are direct descendants of wolves. Even though all these dogs vary greatly in appearance, they are identical in anatomy. They have 321 bones and 42 permanent teeth.
- If you have cancer, diabetes, or epilepsy, your dog might be the first to know. Studies have shown that dogs can be trained to sniff out cancers of the lung, breast, skin, bladder and prostate. Researchers suspect the canines are picking up on extraordinarily faint scents given off by the abnormal cells.
- Dogs have fought in men’s wars. In Roman times, Mastiffs donned light armour and were sent after mounted knights. The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicide missions with mines strapped to their backs.
- Dog’s nose prints are as unique as a human’s fingerprints and can be used to accurately identify them.
- A dog’s smell is more than 100,000 times stronger than that of a human’s, which they need because their eyesight is not as keen as a human’s.
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