Sunway College’s pre-university progammes are unique, holistic and designed to cater to the different learning needs of students. They are specially formulated for those who are searching for an ideal education pathway into good universities all over the world. Through programmes that foster critical thinking and independent thinking skills, Sunway students continue to outperform other [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Pathway to a bright future – Study AUSMAT @ Sunway University, Malaysia


Sunway College’s pre-university progammes are unique, holistic and designed to cater to the different learning needs of students. They are specially formulated for those who are searching for an ideal education pathway into good universities all over the world.
Through programmes that foster critical thinking and independent thinking skills, Sunway students continue to outperform other students in examinations that have been set by external and international examination boards from Britain, Australia and Canada.
Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) is the Year 12 curriculum of Western Australia and it leads to entry in Universities in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom , Canada, Russia, Germany and Singapore.

There are some real good reasons for choosing to study AUSMAT
- Flexibility of choosing subjects (more than 60 combinations)
- A short duration Pre-University programme that is accepted worldwide
- Excellent preparation for University with coursework and examination components
- Uses the high end technology in the classroom such as programmable calculator in Maths and Smart boards.
- High Standards of academic excellence is adhered with ongoing moderation processes by the Western Australian Government
- AUSMAT has been offered in Sunway College for more than 25 years and has built a reputation for excellence with proven records of success

Recently, 40 students from the Sunway Australian Matriculation Programme (AUSMAT) were awarded the Special Certificates of Achievement.

Moe than 27% of the AUSMAT students scored an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 90 and above while more than 52% scored an ATAR of 80 and above, as compared to all AUSMAT providers in the world.

Koay who achieved an ATAR of 99.15% and is currently pursuing Bachelor of Commerce in University of Melbourne said the Sunway AUSMAT programme shaped her to become a well-rounded person.

Tan, who also achieved an ATAR of 99.15%, said she was surprised with her examination results.

“I owe it to my lecturers who were always willing to help. They were always approachable. They pay attention to you as a student and never neglect you”

Joseph, who achieved an ATAR of 99.1%, is studying medicine in University of Auckland mentioned . “We are exposed to public speaking and group activities that help us hone our social skills as we work in different environments”

June Yap who achieved an ATAR of 97.15 who will be heading to London School of Economics to study Actuarial Studies, said that AUSMAT helped instill discipline as it ensures continuous studying is done through the year.

Six Sunway A-Level students also made the institution proud when they received seven awards in the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards recently.

A hundred and twenty one Sunway A-Level students who sat for the June 2012 examinations also scored straight As for their subjects. This is the largest group of straight-A students to emerge from one examination in the Sunway A-Level programme to date.

Niroshah said: “The A-Level progamme teaches students to practice discipline, utilize available resources and study smart. Teachers who dedicate their time and patience in teaching contribute to our success.”

Other pre-university programmes available are the Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP), Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) and Sunway’s Foundation in Arts (FIA).

You can meet Sunway University AUSMAT representatives at International Scholar office at No: 3, Daisy Villa Avenue, Bambalapitiya on 16th & 17th July from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.

A talk on explore your career options will be held on 2.00 pm. For appointments please call 5849401 / 2553466.

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