It took just one tiny cut!

Less pain, less infection, faster recovery and no scars: This was the result of a Single Incision Laparoscopy Surgery (SILS) performed at the Kalubowila Hospital. Groggily coming to on July 1, she wondered whether “anything” had been done to her. There was no pain, there were no bandages and there were no wounds. Puzzled and worried [...]
Don’t panic, but keep check on respiratory problems

With many Sri Lankans travelling back and forth from Saudi Arabia where there has been an outbreak of the coronavirus and others making plans to go on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, a Consultant Virologist offers some advice There is no cause for fear or panic, but take basic precautions to keep at bay respiratory [...]
Beware! That ‘spare tyre’ around your waist is bad fat

Having a pot belly increases your risk of heart disease and cancer more than ‘bingo wings’ or being generally overweight, say scientists. A ‘spare tyre’ – a typical indicator of fat around the organs – has been shown to be particularly dangerous because it’s packed with ‘bad fat’. U.S. researchers looked at over 3,000 people for [...]
1-5 years: Early diet will dictate later health

In the first five years of his or her life, your child will develop at an incredible rate, going from a small, helpless infant to study toddler. “The first five years of life of an individual has the fastest growth after birth,” says Prof. Pujitha Wickramasinghe, Consultant Paediatrician and member of the Nutrition Society of [...]
Step by step, syllable by syllable with loads of love

“I’m glad to be alive,” says Chintha De Silva who recalls her long journey after being struck down by a debilitating stroke 21 years ago Twenty-one years ago I suffered a major stroke, which abruptly shattered my dreams of an exciting career and an active life filled with travel. It happened suddenly, like lightning. I [...]
Dealing with people

Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of [...]
All you have to know about NASH
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a condition that causes inflammation and accumulation of fat and fibrous tissue in the liver. Although a similar condition can occur in people who abuse alcohol, NASH occurs in those who drink little or no alcohol. The exact cause of NASH is unknown. However, it is seen more frequently in people [...]
Oh no! is this how my baby looks?
It is something few would openly admit to but a new survey in the UK has revealed that almost a fifth of new parents secretly believes their baby is ugly. Far from the widely held belief of parents falling in love with their offspring at first sight, the survey showed that 18 per cent of new [...]
Asthma: 7 things you should know
Even if you’re asthmatic, there’s nothing to stop you from leading a full and active life, says Prof. Shyam Fernando of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. It is not fully understood why some people develop asthma. Experts believe that it is neither purely genetic nor environmental factors to blame, instead an interaction of [...]