Mathew and me

It was a scandal that rocked posh Cinnamon Gardens and shook the very foundations of the staid Anglican Church in Colombo. Behind the serene façade of St. Paul’s Church on busy Kynsey Road, murder most foul had been committed, making the agonized cry ‘Et tu Brute’ (You too Brutus) of Julius Caesar echoing from history [...]
Knocked into a tailspin
It was a normal day on Sydney’s picturesque Bondi Beach. Bishan Rajapakse, a Sri Lankan born medical doctor was with his friends enjoying the waves and the sun on his surfboard. At about 9.30 the surfers were suddenly surprised at the sight of a dark patch that approached them. “It’s a whale” somebody shouted. The [...]
Pada Yatra: Love, devotion and humility

It is an hour before dawn and I find myself passing through paddy fields of eastern Sri Lanka as if on a boat drifting through the night. Shouts of ‘Haro Hara’ (‘Hallelujah‘) from onlookers wafting through the darkness are reminiscent of olden days when bystanders and loved ones alike wished the traveller bon voyage. Our [...]
‘Every drop matters’

From the skies, Trincomalee is a sight for sore eyes – lush greenery alongside brown fields. Yet on the ground the reality is different. For those who live here, the dry and extremely arid conditions make life a daily struggle. The war might be over, but the fight for survival is still hard. One of [...]
My father, the pet Pied Piper

I come from a long lineage of lunatic pet owners. My maternal aunt had a mongoose whom she trained to follow her to school and back. A maternal uncle tried to teach the cats and dogs in his house to ‘sing’ as a choir. My paternal aunt not only brushed her teeth but also her [...]
The unscripted beach

Udan Fernando considers Mount Lavinia beach an extension of his backyard – albeit a very crowded one. ‘It’s my place to walk, exercise, eat, drink, relax, host friends and ‘just be’!’ writes Udan, noting that he is not the only one. The generosity with which the beach welcomes hundreds of people every day is what [...]
‘Insurance by remembrance’ needs more than just horrific recollections of July ‘83

The horror of the July ’83 pogrom against the Tamil peoplemust never be forgotten. The only insurance we may have for preventing a reoccurrence of instances of unimaginable, organised cruelty committed by one group of people on another may be to constantly remind ourselves of that unimaginable moment in history. This is what I would [...]
A place to collect their wavering minds
Mauve* is sweetly reminiscent of everyone’s grandma (albeit a more fabulous one in her chic skirt and makeup). Her smile is incredibly generous and her enthusiasm infectious. Yet she will struggle to do the simplest of things, like brush her teeth or comb her hair. For Mauve and the many like her succumbing to dementia [...]
Letters to the editor
Black July 1983: Have we learnt a lesson? Monday, July 29, 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the nastiest day of the last week in July 1983, when ethnic violence was triggered following the killing of 23 soldiers by the LTTE on July 23, 1983. In an organised attack on unarmed Tamil civilians, mobs in [...]
He blew no trumpets and sought no publicity Robert Cyril Fernando With the great ‘old school by the Beira’ warming up to celebrate its centenary, it is only natural that our thoughts go back to its glorious past and to those illustrious men who gathered fruits of virtue and knowledge there and added glory and [...]
Multi-faceted professor now double D.Litt

When a 64-year-old academic devotes a good part of his life for the welfare of undergraduates and the progress of the university he serves in, he certainly deserves recognition. In addition to being an academic, he is also a researcher of music and literature, a literary conservationist, a film director, author and lyricist. His record [...]
Setting the stage for a Mexican flavour
In the early part of this millennium Bathiya and Santhush changed the face of Sri Lankan music. Their fresh beats, modern lyrics and unbeatable energy on stage made them icons of Lankan pop culture-while some tongues may have wagged initially, they’ve turned out to be one of the most successful acts in the country. So [...]
Welcoming new Tunisian Ambassador

Ambassador for Tunisia in Sri Lanka, Tarek Azouz presented his credentials to President Mahinda Rajapaksa recently and the Honorary Consul General in Colombo Mukthar Marikkar held a reception to celebrate this occasion. Ministers, MPs, members of the diplomatic community and business leaders attended
Planning your dream wedding?
It was where young brides-to-be and their prospective grooms found all they needed to plan their dream wedding. The Bride and Groom Wedding Fair 2013 from July 19 till July 21 jointly organised by the Asia Exhibition & Conventions Ltd and Bride and Groom Magazine showcased a variety of nuptial services by professionals in the [...]
The unkindness of strangers

So, what’s not to die for? I had long and earnestly awaited a bold producer’s courageous plunge to put on this iconic, most celebrated of Tennessee Williams’ plays. That The Workshop Players decided to stage it in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Lionel Wendt was a dream come true – finally. And it [...]
Goodwill visitor sings of travel

Stepping into a church, or a temple or a mosque equally, is rather like entering a book. A religious book, first, of course, but also a book of history, and often of literature. The image and sense of the Book is key to the experience of the place of worship. In the case of the [...]
Looking at relationships in love and politics

On the face of it, love and politics are two subjects that do not seem to intermingle. But are they really that different or are the emotional responses of people to the break-up of a love affair similar to their reaction when a close political relationship comes to an end? This is a question that [...]
Danceworld promises a cocktail of moves
Dancing is a passion. It combines the body and mind to a perfect rhythm that touches your soul. For this group of young dancers it’s their chance to shine with their passion and skill. The Danceworld School of Modern, Jazz & Ballet presents their annual show for the seventh time, titled ‘Jazzing’ – Rhythm of the Soul’ [...]
Trinco’s hot wells, forts, beaches, Koneswaram Kovil and dosa

This year was my first trip to Trincomalee (pop. 99,135), the administrative centre of the Eastern Province occupying an area of 750 hectares spreading outward from the peninsula that intrudes between the Back Bay and the inner harbour. It doubles as a scenic seaside resort area that also serves as an economic and military hub [...]
An alternative dream of success
A recent public speech by an old boy of a school by the sea has begun to inspire me. But probably not quite in the way its author intended. This stalwart had the rapt attention of a far more youthful audience in his brief but shining hour. It was the district assembly of a schools [...]
Steaming ahead or still chugging along ?

Train travel in Sri Lanka is changing. The Sri Lanka Government Railways (SLGR) has recently imported new 1st and 2nd class carriages from China and has started introducing them on the long distance service just in the last few months. Private companies are also offering 1st class travel in specially renovated carriages. After returning to [...]
Launch of Malaysia travelogue
Saman Athaudahetti will be launching his latest travelogue on Malaysia, ‘Sonduru Serisara – Sarawak Nadiya Dige’ (Wandering with Pleasure along River Sarawak) on August 4 at the Buddhist Maha Viharaya, Brickfields , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The book launch in Malaysia is organised by the Brickfields Buddhist Maha Viharaya’s Sasana Abhiwurdi Wardana Society in association with [...]
RASSL lecture: “Genetic Genealogy of Sri Lankans”
The Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL)’s monthly lecture will be on “Genetic Genealogy of Sri Lankans ”. It will be delivered by Dr. Ruwan Illeperuma (Senior Scientist, Gene-Tech) and Dr. Chamalie Nahallage (Senior Lecturer, University Sri Jayawardenepura) on Monday, July 29 at 5 the Gamini Dissanayake Auditorium, No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo [...]
Remembrance Day 2013, Musaeus College
Ceremonies to commemorate the 87th death anniversary of Musaeus College Founder Principal Mrs Marie Musaeus Higgins were held on July 9 and 10 at the school’s auditorium. The event was conducted for the 122nd time to pay tribute to all Past Principals of Musaeus College.
Past Pupils Association Holy Family Convent, Dehiwela AGM
The 61st Annual General Meeting of the Past Pupils Association Holy Family Convent, Dehiwela, will be held on Saturday, August 3 at the Holy Family Auditorium. The day’s programme will commence with Holy Mass at 4.30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 5.30 p.m. and Fellowship. All past pupils are welcome. A nominal fee of [...]
In our article on the Peradeniya ’63 batch’s Golden Jubilee reunion in last Sunday’s Plus section, one of the pictures published was of Mahinda Katugaha – a committee member of the Alumni of the ’63 Entrants and not of Prof. W.D. Lakshman as erroneously stated. Our apologies to Mr. Katugaha and Prof. Lakshman for this [...]
WEDA blood donation campaign
“Wayamba Engineering Diplomates’ Association”(WEDA) held its 7th consecutive blood donation campaign on July 20 at the Boy Scout Headquarters, Kurunegala. Here the Secretary of WEDA donates blood, whilst the President Eng. Sarathchandra Liyanage and Past President Eng. Gamini Swarnapala look on.
Ruk Rakaganno lecture: “The Forests of Sri Lanka”
“The present status of the Environment and Future Scenario”, is the new seminar series presented by Ruk Rakaganno. This lecture on “The Forests of Sri Lanka” will be delivered by Prof. B.M.P. Singhakumara, Professor of Forestry and Environment Science, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura on Friday, August 2 at 5.15 p.m. at the N.M. Perera Centre, [...]
CEA partners with IWMI to turn organic waste into high-quality fertilizer
At the request of the Central Environmental Authority (CEA), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) signed an agreement to collaborate towards Resource Recovery and Reuse in Sri Lanka. IWMI and CEA join hands in targeting two main challenges that Sri Lanka is currently facing:Urban waste management;and the need to increase farmers’ access to organic fertilisers.Wimalasena [...]
NAAL holds 43rd AGM

The Netherlands Alumni Association of Lanka (NAAL) held their 43rd Annual General Meeting on June 30 at Ranmal Holiday Resort, Panadura. Deputy Head of the Netherlands embassy Mrs. Lianne Houben was the chief guest representing the Netherlands Ambassador who is the patron of NAAL. 64 members attended with their families. Pictured here are the newly [...]
Mallika Home Society felicitates committee members
Indrani Munasinghe and Ethel Fernando were felicitated by the Mallika Home Society, for their yeoman service to the Society at its 92nd Annual General Meeting held on Thursday. The Mallika Home Society was begun by the Anagarika Dharmapala’s mother Mallika Hewavitarne. Ms Munasinghe and Ms. Fernando have both served on the committee for over 50 [...]
Making museums come alive

There was nothing about Karen Lee’s early life that destined her for the job she has now, that of a curator with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Numismatic Collection in Washington D.C. “We’re Czechoslovak immigrants and my family didn’t feel comfortable in museums,” she says, “We were a lower middle class family. I was not taken [...]
Skill, technique and creativity at ‘Culinary Art 2013’
The Chefs Guild of Sri Lanka proudly presents the 15th edition of ‘Culinary Art 2013’ which is Sri Lanka’s leading food and hospitality trade show. The battle of the chefs will be held from August 2 to 5 at the BMICH. The main objective of The Chefs Guild in hosting this show is to provide a [...]
180 professionals participate at Ergonomics Symposium
The first health-led Ergonomics Symposium in Sri Lanka with the participation of more than 180 professionals from different fields was held by the Expert Committee on Ergonomics – Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA – ECE) on July 10. The participants included public health specialists, ergonomists, paediatricians, academics, scientists, industrialists, journalists and Education and Health Ministry [...]
14th Neelan Tiruchelvam Memorial Lecture: “The law, this violent thing”
The 14th Neelan Tiruchelvam Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Dr Vasuki Nesiah, Associate Professor of practice, New York University today- Sunday, July 28 at 6 p.m. at the BMICH, Committee Room B. The lecture will be chaired by Dr Radhika Coomaraswamy. Titled “The law, this violent thing”, Dr. Nesiah will in her lecture use [...]
Pursuing the ultimate design
Geoffrey Bawa was one of that rare breed who knew what he wanted and never repeated himself-neither in word nor action. Bawa’s constant quest for innovation made him one of the greatest Asian architects of the latter half of the twentieth century. This pursuit of the ultimate design solution is exactly what the Geoffrey Bawa [...]