Their Right to be Recognised

The Assistant Teachers of the Anuradhapura District staged a protest demanding that they be absorbed into the permanent teaching cadre. Pix by Athula Bandara.
A/L invigilators on red alert for high tech cheating
The Examinations Dept has directed invigilators at the Advanced Level (A/L) examination which commences tomorrow to be on high alert for electronic devices as cheating goes hi-tech at exams. Examinations Commissioner, W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara told Education Times that students are now using devices such as blue-tooth to transmit answers. “This year we have sent special advisories [...]
Eastern Uni. senior undergrads to fill dearth of O/L teachers
Final year undergraduates at Batticoloa University will shortly be drafted to conduct classes at schools within the division, owing to a severe dearth of teachers, officials said this week. The discussion was attended by local academics including Eastern University Vice Chancellor Kidnan Kopintherajah and the Deans of the Ffaculties of Arts, Management, Agriculture and Science, [...]
Exams Com. warns A/L candidates against pleas, cash inducements to pass
The Examinations Commissioner has requested students sitting for the Advanced Level examinations this year to prevent from writing pleas, adding contact details and attaching cash in the answer scripts. He said these pleas will not be considered by the Examinations Department. Commissioner W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara said this referring to an incident in which a Tamil medium [...]
A roof over her head to call her own

A fatherless 14-year-old schoolgirl in the Galewela Yatigalpotta area, who was without a home, was built a house by a group of 25 concerned, compassionate and conscientious public servants, with funds they solicited and donated. These public servants who have formed themselves into a society, are teetotallers. They solicit funds for worthy causes.
Ruhunu University Gold medals for outstanding Agricultural Engineering graduates
Ruhuna University will award a Gold Medals to the most outstanding graduate in Agricultural Engineering of each State University. The award will be in memory of the late Mr and Mrs D.A. Rajapaksa, parents of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. A donation will be made with regards to the award by the D.A. Rajapaksa Commemorative Oration Committee [...]
Maximum punishment for non-compliance with standard transfer procedures: Ed. Min.
Education Minister Bandula Gunawardana yesterday vowed to impose maximum punishment on teachers who do not comply with standard transfer procedures issued by the ministry from time to time. The Minister’s statement comes barely a day after a female teacher attached to Royal College, Colombo, staged a rooftop protest against her transfer to another school located [...]
Asst. Teachers in protest campaign for inclusion into permanent cadre

A protest campaign inside the North Central Provincial Council (NCPC) building, by assistant teachers requesting they be absorbed into the permanent cadre of the teacher’s service, turned ugly after they were confronted by a gun toting security guard of the NCPC’s private security service. The security guard on duty had threatened to shoot at the [...]
First ever Swimming Pool in the Puttalam District
The first school swimming pool in the Puttalam area was declared open by Minister of Sports Mahindananda Aluthgamage recently at the Senanayake Madya Maha Vidyalaya, Madampe. The swimming pool was constructed at a cost of Rs 30 million.
SUSRED Award 2013 for Prof. I.B. Gawarammana
Prof I.B. Gawarammana of Peradeniya University received Support Scheme for Supervision of Research Degree (SUSRED AWARDS 2013) in recognition of the supervision of the M.Phil titled “Comparative in-vivo toxicity of the venoms of South Asian hump-nosed pit vipers (genus: Hypnale),” the University said.
Producing highly employable IT Professionals

Career opportunities The degree programmes offered at APIIT School of Computing aim to develop professional skills as well as provide good practical grounding in the chosen area of study. All the specializations provide prospects of employment in a wide spectrum of careers in Computing/IT and cater to the growing demand for industry specialists such as [...]
Monash College is your pathway to success

Monash College SL proudly produces 87 students (Year 2012/2013) who successfully progress to Monash College and Monash University in Australia and Malaysia Monash College is your pathway to a Monash University degree, a highly-regarded qualification that is recognized around the world. At the annual graduation ceremony of ANC Education, which was held at Hilton Hotel [...]
American Education leads the world

Start the American University Transfer Programme at ANC after O/Levels and A/Levels America remains the No. 1 destination for international students from all around the world, including tens of thousands of students from the UK, Australia, and Canada. Why does America attract so many of the world’s brightest and most promising young students? First is [...]
Start a world ranked Australian degree just after O/Levels
Students who finished O/levels in 2013 will sit for their A/Levels in 2015 June, by the time they get their results it will be August 2015. However Australian universities only commence in February 2016. From the time they sit for the O/level exam, it takes 2 ½ – 3 years to get into university. With [...]
The 12month MBA at Oxford College of Business

You don’t need Jason Bourne’s drawer full of fake passports to flit around the world hobnobbing with the powerful these days. Given the way that governments have bailed out banks, industrial giants and failing European economies in recent years, it’s clear that business and politics are closely intertwined, and MBA courses are increasingly reflecting such [...]
The 8th Installation and Induction Ceremony of the Bcis Toastmasters’ Club

The 8th Installation and the Induction Ceremony of the Executive Committee of the Bcis Toastmasters’ Club, was held on the 19th of July, 2013, at the Olympic House Auditorium from 6.00 p.m. onwards, with the lighting of the Traditional Oil Lamp, by The Honourable Chief Guest, The International Director of the Region 13, of the [...]
Public seminar organized by PATHE Academy
Peoples Academy for Tertiary and Higher Education (PATHE Academy) organized a public seminar on Hospitality and Tourism Management Education in Sri Lanka and Internationally on July 25, 2013. Hospitality and Tourism both are emerging and fast growing sectors with a huge involvement of manpower. Human Resources is probably one of the most important issues related [...]
Horizon Campus to offer 25 scholarships for the University of London Degree programmes: Exam on August 18

Horizon City Campus will hold a scholarship examination for students who wish to read for a LL.B. or Bsc. degree through the University of London International Programmes, for the academic year 2013/14.A total of 25 scholarships are to be offered to students on the local tuition fees due to Horizon City Campus. Scholarships will be [...]
CA Sri Lanka CEO says parents hold the key to their child’s professional success
Parents have an important role to play in guiding their children to choose a fulfilling and successful professional career, underscored Mr. Aruna Alwis, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka). He emphasized that a parent’s responsibility does not end as soon as the child’s school education ends; [...]
Educational Partners ANC

Education and University of West London strengthen ties with the launch of MSc. in PsychologyANC Education has successfully established themselves as a top choice for tertiary education amongst the students of SriLanka. ANC education, with the philosophy of providing transnational education opportunities to Sri Lankans, offers a variety of educational options, with transfer programs to [...]
NSBM produces graduate knowledge professionals fortified with skills & aptitudes demanded by the future corporate world

Higher education in the 21st century has redefined and broadened with the emphasis on Knowledge, Recognition and Personality where these have become equally important with the flourishing market segments of many higher education institutes in the play. Decision of selecting a proper path of study and the institute is becoming increasingly complicated when parent’s awareness [...]
UCLan Business head visits SLF

Sri Lanka Foundation (SLF) as a centre for leadership, education, and training offers a wide range of academic programs in dynamic fields namely, Social and Institutional Development, Psychology and Counseling, Business and Enterprise Management, Language and ICT, Digital Film Academy, Tourism & Hospitality Management and the centre for Wellbeing. The SLF was incorporated by Act [...]
Wadduwa Central is unique in every way
Wadduwa Central College is a reputed central college which has a proud history of 68 years. It is situated in the Panadura Zone and was initiated as a Central College under the backing of then Education Minister C.W.W.Kannangara. By providing high quality education, Wadduwa CC has produced a large number of impiortant citizens to the [...]
Colvin R de Silva MV’s vision is to produce quality children

Colvin R de Silva Maha Vidyalaya Ittapana, which was once popularly known as Ittapana Maha Vidyalaya is situated in a calm and quiet area. It is the largest mixed school in the area. It is located in a seven acre land with twenty buildings. The school was inaugurated on November 29, 1902 in Appaladuwa as [...]
Quality teaching at CFPS Law School on display
The high quality of learning experience students will undergo at CFPS Law School was on display last week at the Kingsbury, at the Open Day and Scholarship Award Ceremony of the Law School, presided over by the Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Sunil Jayantha Navaratne. Three mini lectures conducted by lecturers of [...]
How to select a globally recognized university?
For London O/Level and A/Level students and their parents The large number of private universities and institutions in Sri Lanka that offer foreign degree or equivalent qualifications ask the students and parents to be more concerned in their university programme selection. There are many foreign university degree qualifications including those from UK, Australia, and US [...]
Study Medicine in Belarus
The best place for Sri Lankans! Belarus… If translated, the name means “White Russia, a tender and poetic name that befits this country in the best way. It is surprising that right here, in the very center of Europe time seems to have considerably slowed down its pace. People remain human and values stay eternal. [...]
Success for Achievers Lanka Business School at the May 2013 CIMA Examination
Achievers Lanka Business School, a leading institute for CIMA in Sri Lanka has once again proved to the world that it is definitely the place where “THE GOOD BECOMES GREAT” by securing 8 Sri Lanka Prizes for the highest marks in Sri Lanka and 11 students being ranked among the top ten in the world [...]
Earn an internationally recognised MBA or BA degree online from University of St. Mark and St. John – UK
Free Seminar on August 14 University of St Mark & St John has over 170 years of heritage, tradition, academic excellence and experience working in partnership with higher education institutions to offer a broad range of collaborative higher education programmes. WHY STUDY ONLINE? The BA (Hons) Business Degree and MBA online are offered through a state [...]
After A/L’s STUDY @ Wichita State University – USA
A Popular Choice among Sri Lankan Students With a history dating back to 1895, Wichita State University USA is one of the most popular universities among Sri Lankan students. Each year, a significant number of Sri Lankan students study at Wichita State University . Here are some of the reasons why : COST : Wichita [...]
Talent = Competency + Confidence

Talent is an inimitable source of competitive advantage for an organisation and is in such short supply that a war for talent is raging across the world. CIMA, in keeping with its commitment to helping people and businesses succeed, addressed the critical national need for nurturing talent at its annual HR forum, ‘Talent = Competency [...]
City School of Architecture has a rich history

The City School of Architecture (CSA) with a history of twenty five years, offers a path in architectural education towards a career in the building industry with a broad based teaching and learning process, rooted in the real world of practice. Its structured curriculum, design studios, theoretical and technology based education and the experiences of [...]
International Dance Festival: The MMI Concert & Graduation Ceremony

The talented students of Modern Montessori International (MMI) lit up the stage at the Bishops’ College Auditorium on the evening of the 25th of July 2013 with their colourful dance items and recitals. The theme around which the students showcased their skills was an international dance festival and the chief guest for the occasion was [...]
Wycherley International School paves the way for students to access the world through Cambridge Education Programmes
Wycherley International School Bauddhaloka Mawatha in Colombo 7 is one of the oldest International Schools in Sri Lanka. It also enjoys the reputation of being the First and Only Comprehensive Centre for Cambridge Education from Grade 01 – Grade 12 in Sri Lanka. It has a proud heritage of 28 years of Academic Excellence, where [...]
12 month UK MBA from BCAS Campus Sri Lanka

The BCAS Campus (British College of Applied Studies) is a higher education institute with 14 years of experience in providing a quality tertiary education. The institute has built up a reputation of excellence and trust over this period of time. As an institute constantly looking at improving the educational opportunities made available, BCAS Campus now [...]
Study Abroad? Select Career first and pathway to it rather than merely selecting a course – Advice by Edlocate

The London A/L results 2013 will be released in mid August. Most of you together with your parents are considering your options – Which country to study? Which University to enrol in? Which course to follow? Over the past 13 years we have seen students making wrong choices of courses and as a result being [...]
Carmel Montessori Art and Craft Exhibition

AMI Carmel Montessori House of Children had their Art and Craft Exhibition on July 4, 2013 in the school premises. The Chief Guest was Rev. Fr. Mahendra Gunethileka.
S. Thomas’ College Mt. Lavinia ushers in new era for education through partnership with ADYAPANA 2013

Sri Lanka’s most comprehensive and focused education exhibition ADYAPANA 2013 is set to take place on 4th, 5th and 6th of October 2013 at the BMICH in partnership with one of Sri Lanka’s most renowned and prestigious private schools’ S. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia and the Old Boys Association of STC. S. Thomas’ College known [...]
Choosing the best Medical University for your child

Every parent wants what’s best for their child. This is even more so when it comes to your child’s higher education which would serve as your child’s foundation and stepping stone into the adult world. For all those who wish to pursue a career in Medicine, choosing the right Medical University is an important and [...]
Soon after A/Ls: Internationally recognised Degree Pathway at HRMI
Good news for students sitting for A/L exams this month. Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI) provides a seamless step-by-step pathway to enable students to pursue a Degree in Management or HR and obtain training and employment, all under one roof. It is great relief for Parents as well as children that internationally recognised HR and [...]