The New Friend

Ruwan peeped through his window and stared at the big truck unloading things into the house across the street. They carried in a big sofa, a fridge and lots of other items. It looked like the house which had been empty for a long time was finally sold to someone. Ruwan remembered how unhappy he [...]
Kandy Perahera
The Kandy Perhera is held in August. Lots of people come to see the perahera. It is very colourful. There are many elephants in the perahera. They are dressed beautifully in clothes. The whip crackers announce the arrival of the perahera. They are followed by beautifully dressed dancers, drummers, tom-tom beaters, flag bearers and stilt [...]
Family trip to Hikkaduwa
It was the end of a hard school term and we got our April holidays as expected. I was lucky enough to take 100 marks for my Elocution exam and my parents were satisfied of my progress so they decided to go on a trip to a hotel in Hikkaduwa. It was a Saturday morning [...]
My favourite TV programme
Many programmes are telecast on television. Out of them, on the channel Rupavahini, a Korean story called ‘Sujatha Diyani’ was telecast. It has been translated into Sinhala. It is a very beautiful story of a girl who tries to bring justice by proving that females can also do what males do. The English translation is [...]