Merril J. Fernando relaxes with a  cup of his favourite beverage – tea while chatting with the Business Times (BT) at his residence at Rajagiriya on Thursday. In a long interview while sharing a simple breakfast with two BT journalists, the 83 year-old iconic businessman who transformed Dilmah tea into a globally-acclaimed brand related its [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Merril’s 25-year journey with Dilmah tea


Merril J. Fernando relaxes with a  cup of his favourite beverage – tea while chatting with the Business Times (BT) at his residence at Rajagiriya on Thursday. In a long interview while sharing a simple breakfast with two BT journalists, the 83 year-old iconic businessman who transformed Dilmah tea into a globally-acclaimed brand related its 25 year-old journey to success.(Interview next week).

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