Become an Engineer or a Hotel Manager Through Vocational Training
View(s):It is the dream of most students to reach the top in their chosen field of study. Most of them aspire to enter the universities to achieve their dream. But of the 200,000 odd students who pass the AL annually only around 20,000 are absorbed into the universities in Sri Lanka. If you are one of those who belong to the unfortunate majority and you still want to realize your dream, take heart. There are other ways of reaching it without entering a university.

Photograph of Mr Mufthy Hashim declaring open the centre to be published.
The Zahira Vocational Training Centre (ZVTC) can help you to acquire the knowledge and experience to be an engineer in the electrical, electronic or plumbing field. In the Tourism & Hospitality Industry field we can help you in Hotel Housekeeping, Food & Beverages and Food Preparation. The programmes for these six trade skills have been designed initially at proficiency level to provide training for market driven employable opportunities that have tremendous potential in Sri Lanka and abroad. The selected fields can also lead to professional advancement as well as academic paths as the programmes will be based on Vocational Qualifications of City & Guilds of the United Kingdom. SKILLS International, an approved centre of the City & Guilds, is providing the technical assistance and guidance for all the training programmes. Entry to the programme is open to those who have sat the GCE O/L or A/L.
The ZVTC is located at Zahira College, Colombo 10, an address easily accessible to students by rail or road even from far off places. Classes will be held during weekdays as well as during weekends (for employed students). Each Programme will be of around 100 hours duration over a period of 3 months. At the end of the programme a certificate will be awarded by the ZVTC. As the syllabus will be of the City and Guilds, students have a progression avenue to advance their career. The next programme will commence in August 2013 and students will be taken on a first come first served basis due to the limit in enrolment.
The Soft Opening of the Centre was held recently with Mr Mufthy Hashim the Regional Manager for South Asia of City & Guilds International, as the Chief Guest. Dr. Haris Musafer an Old Boy of the College who resides in USA has provided the necessary funds to set up the Centre. This project has been initiated by the Zahira College Old Boys Association led by its President Mr Fouzuul Hameed who is also the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the College. The Vocational Training Centre Committee is headed by Mr Nizam Lantra, Ex Co member of the OBA, who is also a Senior Consultant of the Open University of Sri Lanka.
The main objective of the centre is to train students who have left School to be gainfully employed. The Courses selected are all which have great job demands. Prospective students who wish to follow courses should contact the College Office or contact 0777 447261.
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