Dharmaraja a mighty pillar in the hills
View(s):More than a century ago, in a small shed in the premises of the Sri Dalada Maligawa, the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, Dharmaraja

College Main building
was born, founded as a premier Buddhist school to face the challenges of the era. Since then, the high-spirited Rajans have been able to fulfill all the envisioned goals of their founders and have never hesitated to give any challenge their best.

Winners at World Scholars Cup 2013
The school gives students the chance to fulfill their unique and individual potential by participating in both academic and extracurricular activities. A group of caring teachers also fosters the students’ growth in each of these avenues, ensuring that they set their aim sky high.
About seven hundred students leave the college every year after sitting the Advanced Level examination in the four main streams. Upon leaving school, several Rajans have contributed to society in a long line of diverse fields. It is a pity that the space given here is insufficient to mention the names of at least a few of them.

Principal S.M. Keerthirathne
With the arrival of the present principal, Mr. S.M. Keerthirathne in 2000, the administration was decentralized with more responsibilities thrust upon the deputy principals, heads of sections, prefect of games, hostel warden, masters in charge of sports, grade coordinators, subject coordinators and career guidance counsellors. Even the board of prefects, lead by the head prefect, takes the responsibility, hand-in-hand with the staff, of organizing major college functions such as the prize-giving and the colours night.
During the past few years, Dharmaraja has made remarkable strides in sports and extra-curricular activities, mostly recently being crowned all-island ‘A’ Division rugby champions. Currently, the school accommodates 18 sports, 20 clubs and societies and activities such as scouting and cadeting.
Presently, with over 4800 students and 210 teachers, Dharmaraja College, Kandy is in an excellent position as its results in the Grade 5 Scholarship, G.C.E. O/L, and G.C.E. A/L examinations are amongst the top 10 in the island. Every year approximately 400 students enter national universities including the Kotalawala Defense University. A fair number of students also enter foreign universities to study medicine, engineering and aeronautics etc.
Students have also participated in extra-curricular programmes in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Dubai, Denmark, Georgia, India, Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Mann Island, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and the United Kingdom during the last few years, giving them enormous exposure and bringing fame to the college.

College Rugger Team
The last decade was not only a vibrant era in terms of the college’s achievements but also in the development of infrastructure facilities. The international cricket ground and the swimming pool complex situated in a location of scenic beauty were both opened to be used by the students and the general public. The Visitors Lodge and the Sick Ward in the Northern-most most part of the hill, which provides tranquility and calm, are tremendously admired and complemented by local and foreign visitors.
The dedication of the principal, the staff, the school development society, the parents and well-wishers has played an immense role in the success of the college.

Winners at Olympiad 2013
The strong Old Boys Union, which has more than 10 branches spread all over the world, is an asset to the school. Their love, appreciation, contribution and support given in good and bad times are praiseworthy.
The founders, principals and teachers, who toiled and exerted themselves and dedicated their lives for the installation of composed and confident Rajans from time immemorial, are frequently commemorated with much honour and gratitude. Their service to Dharmaraja cannot be measured in words. Their efforts have been so successful that the college has become one of the highest-acclaimed educational institutions in the island today.
Sujitha Miranda
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