Going wild

Indu back with his latest comedy, Love, Lies and Wildlife What does one hotel owner do when confronted with a wife, a to-be mistress and an angry uncle (none of them his)? Lie till his face turns blue, of course! Sam Boladeniya’s tangled web of white lies and overblown exaggerations just might get him in [...]
‘Keep it simple, believe in what you say’

This year’s All Island Best Speaker Aaqib Reyal shares some winning tips Even the most eloquent of us may falter before an audience of 400. After all, how do you keep not one but all of them entertained? For Aaqib Reyal it’s all about treading the fine line between fact and fiction. This year’s All [...]
Copacabana: Not just another beach

Three million people flocked to Copacabana Beach in Brazil to listen to Pope Francis on his visit there last month, bringing this world famous spot into fresh focus. Pilgrims and locals set up tents and sleeping bags by the sea on Copacabana beach, to witness the unique service, aimed especially at the youth. Last June [...]