Home » ColumnsHumpty Dumpty and his bottle of scotch

Despite high tidal waves washing the shores where the restaurant stood, a resort in the south did good business that Sunday. The loud bursts of tippers unloading boulders on the shore or dust from repairs in the building did not deter diners. They have filled the open hall for the sumptuous buffet lunch amidst caressing [...]
As Pillay comes, Govt. faces more HR issues

Police over-react to UNP-led rally in the Fort Convicted PSD men may reveal who gave the order to attack Rookantha and Chandralekha CBK’s meeting with ministers causes concern to UPFA leaders, an intelligence agency spying on her A comfortable two thirds majority in Parliament, a modernised armed forces and a heavily politicised Police Department at [...]
Welcome back Charles!
My Dear Prince Charles, I thought of writing to you when I heard that you had confirmed your attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, representing the Old Girl, your mum, who now finds it too tiring to undertake long journeys to far flung countries such as ours. Of course we are very aware [...]
Budget 2014: Containing fiscal deficit tough task

The preparation of a budget is a difficult task at the best of times. It is especially onerous this year as the economic background in which the 2014 budget is being drafted is by no means propitious. Among the impediments to good fiscal management are the slowing down of the economy, reduction in exports and [...]
Weliweriya, part and parcel of life in SL?
Sri Lanka’s Minister of External Affairs who also (to the eternal shame of his students) was a professor of law and a past Vice Chancellor of the Colombo University surpassed himself last week by his nonchalant announcement that the ‘Weliweriya incidents’ were ‘part and parcel of life’ (see Financial Times, August 8th 2013). A stupendously [...]
Grandpass, and the tolerance of religious intolerance
At a recent press briefing the new Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya reportedly warned of attempts by the Tamil diaspora to tarnish the country’s image ahead of several important events — the impending visit of Human Rights chief Navi Pillay, the upcoming Northern PC elections, the UNHRC session and CHOGM. In view of [...]