Historic Day – The IESL Council conducts its first ever global committee session using ICT
View(s):2nd, August 2013 was a historic day for the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL).On that Friday at 5:15 PM Sri Lanka time, the

Eng. Tilak De Silva, President- IESL chairing the Global Committee Session
IESL’s governing body in Colombo, Head Office – “The Council”, which meets every month – for the first time in its history, achieved global connectivity with all its

Overall view of the participants of the Global Committee Session
Provincial Centres (PCs) and its overseas Chapter in Sydney, Australia, via tele conferencing facilities, for its monthly sessions.
This is the first time in recent decades where all the PCs were participating in this monthly event. Such participation in-person has been very impractical given the distance and time barriers. It was the first time the overseas chapter participated since its inception three years ago. The technology provided by the Sri Lanka Telecom (www.slt.lk) only requires a personal computer, webcam, and Internet connectivity. Since PCs and Australian Chapter are widely dispersed entities with varying Internet connectivity quality, it was interesting to see the robustness and the quality of sounds and pictures.

IESL Council meeting in full swing with remote participation by PCs and Australia Chapter through video conferencing system.
This is another major milestone in the digital revolution that is sweeping the IESL to make it a model organization that embraces ICT for better transparency and

Council members interacting with PC and Australia Chapter participants during the Global Committee Session
collaboration among its 13,000 plus and growing membership.A new membership management system.(a Software as a Service, cloud based application called Wild Apricot) , was launched 17th July, 2013 while system generated e-mail blasts delivered the first ever multimedia enabled electronic newsletter , the ‘Digital Sri Lanka Engineering News’to its entire membership, directly to the Inbox of their personal emails on 1st August, 2013, on the dot. These and a whole host of other features necessary for an integrated membership management system are embedded in the brand new website; (www.iesl.lk) thatis now IESL’s official website which is one of most scientific and in par with those of internationally recognized parallel organizations.
Pictorials of IESL’s historic global committee session follows:
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