Broken down buses
The Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) bus service is a main component of the country’s public transport service. Unfortunately, the dire state of these buses are an eyesore and make travelling unsafe for weary passengers who have no choice but continue their journey.
“We are unable to complain as depot officers tell that they are helpless. Stepping into a bus or getting down is unsafe due to loose nails. Even some of the seats are squeaky,” complained passenger Ruwan Pushpakumara.
Another passenger, Senarath Samarasinghe said that the floors of some buses are so damaged that the road below is visible. He said the poles that are used to hold while standing are shaky and travelling in a crowded SLTB bus is a fearful experience, especially for female and elderly passengers.

Eyesore: SLTB buses feature chipped, faded paint and broken lights (above)

Falling apart: Loose floorboards, safety poles and 'squeaky' seats make for a fear-filled journey (above)

Rough interior: Passengers travelling on buses must do so in run-down conditions (above)
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