Mercantile rugby and taking the onus
View(s):Cheating, performance supplements, and confusion are common facets in rugby as in many sports. The 43rd Mercantile Sevens was no exception as some thought winning by any means was in line while others played to enjoy.
I had the chance of talking to people in between games that did not offer worthwhile rugby. There was whispered concern that some teams were fielding players who for all practical purposes could not be employed in these corporates. Before the tournament was over one paid the price as there was identification and questions leading to acceptance of cheating? The official announcement was that the case has been proved and a leading corporate has been disqualified and banned for two years from taking part in Mercantile Rugby.
While talking about the issue I was told in lighter vein that the curse of need to win and the child to do better can even bring

The 43rd Mercantile Rugby Sevens had too much to offer, including a team being banned from the competition for two seasons on cheating. - Pic by Susantha Liyanawatte.
disharmony to the family. In a well known school the rugby players were addressed by a medical specialist who talked about the need to train and eat consciously. The conclusion was that the young children do not need all these supplements and if they have to be given it must be under medical supervision so that any deficiency is addressed.
A child who plays rugby and is involved in another sport attends another workshop addressed by a fitness trainer who talks about taking supplements. The speaker happens to be one who markets these products. The child is confused and the mother wants the child to be given some protein supplement. The father does not agree as he has listened to what the doctor said and the child is confused as he has listened to both. The confusion deepens as the mother and father debate while another child the daughter is now confused as what they are bickering about.
The moral of the story that was being indoctrinated to me was that the same analogy can be applied to the firm that is confused with what is good and the salesman in you that wants a win and will work the way irrespective the image that is being shattered.
On the field MAS Holdings did well to win the Cup Championship beating last year’s Winners Nation Lanka Finance. It was a tough call up to the last two minutes when MAS made best use of spilled balls that came their way. The rugby was fine and enjoyable in a few games mostly from cup stage quarter final onwards. The day one schedule of 56 matches played from 8.00 to 8.30 pm led to being a bore making away the excitement s one would expect from sevens rugby. The crowds were scares on day two and one wonders whether the game is losing the glamour. Was four weeks of 7’S rugby too much for the players? One may argue that it was about 30 players that were involved in the 4 weeks of Carlton Rugby. That thirty were that best and that affected most of the top games. So next time around the calendar may need a shifting to give a break.
Some corporate showed that they do in fact have no ethical values in them as they thought the affluence can talk on the park. As I said before most talked in whispers those players taking part for all practical purpose could not have been working for the mandatory minimum periods. The talk was in the lips of most and organizers who have to think of ways to reduce the mercenaries who have been representing some teams. I do not think that this is their sole responsibility and concern be left to the organizers. It should be the responsibility of the corporate which talk through the roof tops on good governance to practice what they preach. In many of the annual reports you will find phrases such as: an environment of effective control, transparency, strong accountability, or integrity being an ongoing process .Whilst eyebrows were raised about the presence of players in many teams one company was disqualified. It was alleged and accepted that they fielded a player who works for the Central Bank but played for the company. According to those who lodged the protest they allege that one player they could identify. Others thinks that there were at least 5 players who were in that team who were playing for their school a few weeks ago and seemed not to know as to whom they were at least playing for. There was one team that pulled out after day one as mercenaries were not paid and they did not have others to take the place. The question is why you want to cheat in sport? The answer is that somebody wants to take back something to prove that they are somebody when they are not.
Other than that my hopes of last week that rugby Sri Lanka would have learnt from the big names that played and coached the Carlton Sevens sides left me disappointed. Save for two to three teams at the top level who played a little bit of sevens rugby the others tended to get into t a fifteen contact mode. Free moving rugby was as in short supply. The sounds of SIRRRRRRRR!!!! reverberated the air form some coaches as the referee blew for mistakes at the break down. That is something that has been with us and continues to be with us. You have had the best and experienced of the Sri Lankan sevens athletes on the park and yet the same old contact game continues.
Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB
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