Becoming a fashion student; the wisest decision I’ve taken in my life..
View(s):“ I used to be one of those people who really had no particular idea on what to do in their lives after schooling. And then, as I got interested in Fashion Designing (which gradually happened in a way that I cannot really comprehend!) as my career path after completing my Advanced Levels in 2010, I kept asking my parents to let me join a Fashion design school..
But they declined my appeal, one reason was that I actually am from Kurunegala, and as a result, my folks were not quite ready to send me all the way to Colombo, and they also were under the impression that Fashion design is not entirely suitable for a girl from suburbs, they were warned by others that Fashion students in Colombo are ‘spoilt’, and they kept their answer to my constant pleas as an absolute ‘no no’..
But I kept being persistent that in the end, they had no other choice than letting me pursue my pick of higher studies.. And they also obliged to let me study at Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology (That was not until my mother came herself to the institute and assured herself that it’s entirely safe to send me!!).
So in September 2011, I joined L.I.F.T. as a student in Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design and since then, my journey as a Fashion student could be described with no other words but as being ‘simply awesome’..
I actually did not have much of an art background since I never did ‘art’ as a subject at school, and to top it all, I was a biology student in my A/L class! I was a tad worried that I would get into trouble when it comes to sketching! And also, my inexperience in pattern making and sewing kept nagging me at a corner of my head..
My first class was on ‘basic sewing’.. I went there, nervous not only about the ‘sewing task’ -that I was worried to be a mini disaster-, but also because I had no idea what sort of a atmosphere it will be like in the classroom; I did not know how the other students will be like, or whether they would be welcoming or formidable (mainly because I joined the course a few months later!).. I picked up my courage and went inside the classroom but my fears banished in a heartbeat as I realized that my teacher and the fellow classmates were rather amiable and nice.. And the much anticipated ‘sewing’ turned out to be much easy with all the help and guidance provided by my teacher..
Then came the ‘illustration’ lessons and I realized that my fears were, again, baseless.. We were taught on tips on art using different mediums and tricks from the scratch. Me having no prior knowledge in art became no issue at all.. We were also educated on pattern cutting and garment construction, which I personally share the belief with L.I.F.T. as equally important to a designer just as sketching skills. We had classes on theory lessons as well as practical approaching and we were also enlightened with Computer aided designing that will come massively handy in our years to come as designers..
And oh, on a side note; my parents’ fears were proved to be completely unnecessary as well.. Discipline is a virtue at L.I.F.T.!
We also had a lot of fun times with my classmates; just after joining L.I.F.T., there came the annual trip, and that provided us with the opportunity to get to know with the senior batches as well, and they too turned out to be quite friendly and helpful.. Then there was the Christmas party, and then the New year celebrations the next year and then we went on field trips for Batik and screen printing. We also were able to take part in Fashion shows like ‘Camouflage 2013’ which turned out to be a huge success that gave us many experiences and adventures! And then there was another Christmas party and another New year celebration and as time flew, now we are the threshold of our Advanced Diploma programme.. Our finals will take place in a few months and that will mark the end of our time at L.I.F.T. (Well for the most, except for those who will be joining the Degree next year). Thinking about it makes me grievous beyond measure.
. It has been a fine time here for us all and our classmates have gotten thick as thieves and loving as siblings over the years.. It would be such a hard task to tell goodbye to each other and I could already predict that we would be crying our eyes out on the day of our final show.. It would be the same with bidding farewell to our teachers who has offered immense knowledge, support and assistance for two and a half years.. Without thinking twice, I can tell that they are the best fashion design teachers one could ever have the fortune to meet, ever!
One day I would find myself a successful fashion designer and I would know with all my heart that I would forever be grateful to L.I.F.T. for changing me from a girl from way far from the capital city that had no idea or basic knowledge in Fashion design, to what I am today.. I would also be very much self satisfied about my decision to carry on with Fashion designing, because I know, that it’s changed my entire life, for the best..”.
LIFT : A premier fashion
![]() Udara Wickramarathne (Final year fashion student) education institute in Sri lanka LIFT is the premier fashion education institute in Sri lanka registered under the Tertiary and Vocational Education commission and linked with the University of Northampton UK. For more details visit or No.87, Horton place, Colombo -07 (Ph: 2681848 / 2681870)