Career Facilitators (Pvt) Ltd conducts free English & Typing classes where jobs are guaranteed. This is mainly for A/L Students only. Jobs are found for available for possessing Motor Cycle license. Students can learn to read write, listen and speak effectively in training programs provided by the Institute. The Institute has as its motto “LET”s [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

“LET”s Learn to Light the fire”


Career Facilitators (Pvt) Ltd conducts free English & Typing classes where jobs are guaranteed. This is mainly for A/L Students only. Jobs are found for available for possessing Motor Cycle license. Students can learn to read write, listen and speak effectively in training programs provided by the Institute. The Institute has as its motto “LET”s Learn to Light the fire” Business English classes are conducted as Preliminary, Intermediate & Advanced stages.

For details on Courses, and Lecture Times students may contact the Course Moderator Romayne Diasz
On e mail Romayne has been awarded Ms Talent 1988/89, Secretary of the year 1989/90, Toastmaster of the Year 1997.The academy has the following syllabus. Dictation/spelling, Corrections, Dialogues Proverbs, Poems, Idioms, Speech, Newspaper Reading, Antonyms Essays, letter writing , Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Foreign Expression, Limericks Word power etc. etc.

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