Passionately committed to attract top US universities to Sri Lanka
View(s):Passionately committed to attract top US universities to Sri Lanka (since ‘01) to enable more Lankans to have access to world’s best higher education Priyanthi and Dissa of Scholarships for USA (Pvt) Ltd ( – only local recruiters who work exclusively with US universities – became the first ever Lankan recruiters to visit University of Cincinnati ( in the summer of 2007.

Visiting first ever Lankan recruiters to UC are welcomed by Dr.Mitch Leventhal (2-L) Vice Provost International (currently Vice Chancellor International SUNY system) and Jonathan Weller Assistant Director International Admissions (currently Director) - summer of ‘07
The historic visit to an institute almost 200 years old, among the top 25 public research universities nationally and among the top 200 research universities globally paved way for many undergrad and grad students to experience a globally marketable education with hands on paid internships at the world renowned companies through its highly reputed cooperative education.
UC is recognized as the pioneer who introduced the Coop education to US university system and currently ranked among the top five in the nation. Taking a further step forward and facilitated by SUSA, UC teamed up with the Institute of Chemistry and SLIIT on institutional collaboration agreements paving way for 100% credit transfers with highest scholarships for students transferring after two years to earn a UC degree in half time at half the cost. Commenting on her experience at UC Joanna Lindamulage (‘13) from Aluthgama stated that thanks to the coop education she was able to take care of all her expenses, including tuition, from her third year onward. Rakhitha Basnayake (‘13) from Veyangoda, a transferee from SLIIT, echoed same sentiments declaring that thanks to his coop job as a software developer for a top international bank he too was able to take care of all expenses, including tuition. Both were highly appreciative of the very supportive UC environment where the help was never too far when needed.
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