Prefects Installation ceremony of Ratnapura Dharmapala MV
View(s):The Board of Prefects Installation ceremony of Ratnapura Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya was held on 5th of July, 2013 at the college

The Principal Mr.P.P.P.Kalubowila receiving the contribution from the provincial council member Salitha Karunarathna

The appointed Board of Prefects while taking their oath
premises. The ceremony was graced by the Provincial Council Social Welfare and probation & childcare Minister Hon.B.A.M.Ranjith Bandara, Provincial council members Salitha Karunarathna, Mohammed Iflar, Zonal Education Director Mr.J.L.Hemarathna and HNB member.
Sabaragamuwa provincial council member Prabath Mahesh De Alwis was the keynote speaker and he delivered his speech on Leadership Skills. The speech was highly enjoyed by all the audience and it was a great strength and guidance to the appointed prefects. The HNB and provincial council member Salitha Karunarathna made a contribution to the college.
Ten students from the primary section and forty two from secondary section were appointed for the board of prefects for the year 2013/14. The occasion was well organized and guided by the college principal Mr.P.P.P.Kalubowila and enthusiastically backed by the members of staff, past pupil association, prefects board and the parents.
Sujitha Miranda
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