The Magic of Indian Cinema
View(s):Hollywood Bytes – by Thilak Peiris
We have all watched, Hindi movies, they are beautiful, molodic, and full of interesting stories, breath taking locations and things. No wonder, they are the largest, part of everyday life in India.

Amitha Bachchan in his Hollywood debut role in the movie ‘The Great Gatsby’.
They say, that there are more movies filmed in India per year than anywhere else in the world. Indian communities, living around the world are big fans of these wonderful films and TV series. You can pick up a DVD, while shopping at any Indian grocery store in Los Angeles, London, or any other city.
From a Producers’ stand point, it is a viable stream of income. Indians, living all around the world wanting to see these films. Amithab Bachan, made his first film debut in the new Gatsby film in Hollywood last month. Many Indian film actresses act in Hollywood productions.
Many Hollwood producers, make films in India or India based stories. Water, Midnights Children are some that come to my mind. So, one could argue that the entertainment products are blossoming and finding new market opportunities. Have you watched a film on your phone yet?
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