STUDY ABROAD (PVT) LTD was founded in 2007 in an effort to render services for those who seek higher education abroad. The aim of STUDY ABROAD is to network students with higher educational institutions from around the world so as to bring the best in them through their own discovery of diversified areas of their [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

About Study Abroad (Pvt.) Ltd


STUDY ABROAD (PVT) LTD was founded in 2007 in an effort to render services for those who seek higher education abroad.
The aim of STUDY ABROAD is to network students with higher educational institutions from around the world so as to bring the best in them through their own discovery of diversified areas of their aptitudes that can contribute and revolutionize the world for its betterment.

Since 2007, we have recruited hundreds of students to various universities and colleges in countries that we work with. It is an absolute honour to mention that STUDY ABROAD has been among the handful of consultancy firms that are known to be promoted by the word of mouth since the beginning.

At STUDY ABROAD, the most prominent and attractive features are the quality and individualized services students are able to receive and the way they consider it as their second home during and after their work.

Countries we work with and why?

We are recruiting students to USA, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Ukraine, Turkey, Malaysia , China etc. Our main focus is on countries such as USA, New Zealand, UK and Canada.

Often, students are not aware of which country to choose for their higher education. Certain students would know where they want to study based on their own research or personal reasons. However, when we counsel students, we put an effort to understand their likes and dislikes.

In the meantime, there are students who need perfect counselling in choosing a country based on the study area. For an example, if a student is interested in Engineering, we may suggest USA, UK, Canada, Singapore and Australia as they usually offer well-rounded education while giving access to the latest innovations and research facilities. Countries such as UK, USA, and Australia are known for Business diversity in business studies. Likewise, we progressively counsel the student on all aspects not only choosing countries but in all aspects. There are instances that we go on talking to students for hours until he/she is able to grasp what we say.
This is the reason for our students to do well wherever they are.

Education consultant’s (Agent) responsibility towards a student as we believe it to be
We believe, our role has been either misinterpreted or exploited in the market by many. Our role is to ensure that those students are in safe hands. That they be counseled on higher education and future goals with morality, that they be put onto the right pathway. A good consultant would also ensure the student’s safety to their parents and offer plenty of support and guidance once the students leave home and begin to settle into a foreign environment on their own. STUDY ABROAD assures all this to you

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