Naren in Sri Lanka: Creating an impact, empowering millions
View(s):Burhani Serendib School proudly hosts Keep Moving Movement –‘Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn’ coordinated by the Interact Club of Burhani Serendib School.
The impact TEACHERS can expect
This KMM session will help in filling the teachers with a passion, where giving up is never an option.KMM will make teachers the R.I.G.H.T teachers. Resolute, Interactive Generous,Happy, Transforming .It will make teachers believe, they can CHANGE LIVES. By changing lives they can change this world. Because they can change lives, they matter in this world.Because they can change lives,

Naren, Creating a dent in the Universe
TEACHERS do matter. With this conviction, they will not only teach subjects, they will teach students to fill this world with ‘forces of goodness’. They will also discover and develop themselves as people who can proclaim loud and clear, through actions, intentions and behavior, ‹Let’s Inspire›. This session will help them develop all facets of their life as well as their students. It will develop their physical well being, powerful and progressive thinking, intense and positive emotions, courageous and well directed intelligence, relationship building, bouncing back scar free and determined from the most challenging episodes of their life, a wonderful combination of healthy self-esteem and self belief.
Over all, it will help them to believe in living a purposeful life and be an inspiration for students. All this will be achieved through, sharing, games, inspirational examples, insightful speech and wonderful interactions.
This Teacher Empowerment Session will be conducted at Burhani Serendib School on 7th Oct from 3pm -5pm.All teachers are invited. Entrance free.Ltd seats. Call- Rashida 0773601521 and get an experience of a life time. Teachers’Session at Zahira College- 8th Oct’13 at 2:30pm.
KMM’s Impact on Students
The heart of education is education of the heart. While the teachers at school are doing an incredible job of teaching the minds, the teaching of the heart is becoming the work of specialists. KMM with Naren and its volunteers, offer to fill this gap with enthusiasm and responsibility. Just imagine!!! Our students filled with ‘High Self Esteem’ and ‘Courage’: to live in peace with prosperity and fulfillment. Engage in discussions that challenge and ignite hidden and suppressed passions. Create a Bond with them using tools and techniques.. Expand their minds that fill their HEARTS with inspiration and insights. Share proven imaginative study techniques & methods that helps them to perform better. NO COST to the school or students. It’s priceless!!!
Impact on parents
WE, the PARENTS have a lovely responsibility to see the diamond within our children; that is the most fulfilling journey of life. Let’s enjoy this journey together. In time let’s unearth the potentials of the child and experience amazing fulfillment in the process…We will attempt to answer the Why’s, the How’s, the When’s, the Which’s, the Where’s and the Who’s of Parenting. So welcome to this wonderful journey….A Beautiful Journey called “Wow Parenting” with Naren.
Education Times join as Print Media Sponsors for this event. Parents Session at Burhani Serendib School on 7th Oct’13 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, at Zahira on 8th Oct and at British School Auditorium on 9th Oct from 5pm to 7 pm.
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