International Day of Peace 2013: Invest in Schools and Teachers
View(s):St. John’s Bosco College, Kaluaggala, 35 km from Colombo, became the first School Peace Ambassador with hundreds of students participating at the International Day of Peace event organized by the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), Colombo, together with the Universal Peace Federation.
This year’s theme was ‘Education for Peace; invest in schools and teachers who will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity’.
About 500 people and students took part in the peace march, spreading the message “Education is the messenger of peace” and “Children are the fountains of peace”.
The UNIC also organised a number of events highlighting non-violence and the role of education in promoting peace.
Parallel to the day’s main programme for upper school students, there also was an interactive drama “Keeping peace with the Joneses” performed by members of children’s societies. Primary children too were exposed to a rich and novel experience on “Together- Education and Peace” an activity organised by the Peace Coordinator of the zonal education office.
The keynote address was delivered by Universal Peace Federation Secretary General, Dr. Chula Senaratne, St. John’s Bosco College, Principal, Ms. Theresa Jayasuriya was a chief guest at the event. Pix by Nilan Maligaspe