Parents, you’re not alone

It is poya and as white-clad devotees walk sedately up Athugala in Kurunegala to offer flowers at the Samadhi Buddha statue, down below teams of doctors from several hospitals are engaged in a different kind of meritorious deed. In the crowded hall of the Red Cross building in the heart of Kurunegala town, a strange [...]
Rotablator, the calcium build-up buster

Just walking from his home to the main road, a distance of only about a kilometre, A.A. Chandrasena, 60, would have to stop three times along the way. Struggling for breath, he would feel as if his chest was being squeezed tightly. There would also be a strong burning sensation in his chest. That was exactly [...]
Tackle hair loss head on
By Smriti Daniel Experience has taught Dr. Haren Jayasinghe, Director of the FUE hair transplant clinic in Sri Lanka, not to underestimate the toll hair loss can take on a person’s self-esteem. It can leave people feeling deeply unattractive and socially crippled. However, depending on what the underlying cause is, hair loss can be challenging [...]
How low do you feel?

I’ll change my state with any wretch, Thou canst from gaol or dunghill fetch; My pain’s past cure, another hell, I may not in this torment dwell! Now desperate I hate my life, Lend me a halter or a knife; All my griefs to this are jolly, Naught so damn’d as melancholy. Robert Burton – [...]
Say no to antibiotics and protect our future!
Antibiotics are substances that act on bacteria by either suppressing or killing them. They are also known as antimicrobials. The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1927 though antibiotics against infectious agents were only introduced during World War II. Antibiotics have been helpful in saving thousands of lives. The incidence of [...]
Eating well is also all in a day’s work

If you’re a working adult, the chances are you don’t always pay enough attention to eating right. Continuing our series with the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka on diets for all ages, this month we speak to Priyanwada Amarasekara, Nutritionist at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka on the challenges we face as we try [...]