Puswedilla goes pus
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A few weeks ago a performance by comedian Puswedilla created a huge commotion at the Citadel. The bald past cricketer was very upset and wanted those responsible severely reprimanded. However VVIP with the shawl learning about the situation hauled the bald past cricketer turned politician and told him, that he must learn to take cracks aimed at him on the bounce if not he should not be where he is. So, that was the sad end to the Puswedilla episode – Puswedilla went pus.
Quite as mice
The occasion was the monthly meeting of a popular sports body. The discussion at hand was the performance of a vice president who happens to be the favourite of the head of the sport. This individual accompanies the Boss in all his overseas trips. There had been a host of petitions against this individual but little was spoken about his activities which amount to almost nothing barring the trips abroad. However when the matter was brought up at the meeting those who opposed the individual’s activities, were quiet as mice.
An ‘Inside Job’
There is a lot of activity as a popular sports house these days even if the activities had nothing to do with the game itself. This time they met to discuss a letter sent by veterans of the game. The alleged that the sport is heading nowhere and the recent happenings in Nepal was highlighted in full. Now they have set the sights on the SAF Tournament to be held next year. Those in the know say that the letter is an ‘Inside Job’, just to stir up a commotion and highlight the sport’s poor showing in international competitions.
The big question
The scene now shifts to a manly game where recently women took part in an international competition where Baht is the currency. It was about a coach who had paid her way to be in the competition’s fold and she had reportedly paid her way to be in the contest. It has now been brought to light that a certain bank had sponsored her trip and she is keeping mum about it. Normally such sponsorships are given so that the company concerned can gain by its publicity. Now, whether this well known establishment will come forward to sponsor such events in the future, remains a big question.
No friends here please!
There is a big problem to a ladies coach as she has to put up with a host of her former compatriots who are not that keen to follow her orders. The reason is that she had been a player like them at past competitions and taking orders from her is now posing problems to them. The contest that they are training for is not far off and if this trend continues the sport is certainly heading for a big downfall. It all boils down to one thing. Friends cannot prevail in any sport if they are to be successful.
Languishing on the sidelines
There was quite a big hue and cry when the controllers of sports in the country started handing down air-tickets to leading sports so that they could take part in sports activities abroad in the future. It so happened that only some popular sports – five to be exact – were in line for such air-tickets while other sports who are doing all their mite to be in the limelight languished on the side lines. So it looks as if poor sports will remain as they were while so called ‘rich’ sports will continue to prosper.
Only the second best
Apparently only the second best has been selected as the coach of a popular ladies sport while the person who should have been appointed to the sport has been left high and out. The reason apparently is that the selected coach had done well at a recent examination of the sport while the coach who should have actually got the spot has not done so well at the exam. But how come only the second best got the job and not the first queries sports lovers?
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