A hands-on monk recalls

He is the Loku Hamuduruwo of the temple. He is the Sangha nayaka of the Malwatte Chapter of the Siyam Nikaya in the Western Province. He has been conferred the title ‘Darshana Visharada’, equivalent to a doctorate, by the Asgiriya Chapter. Yet to everyone he is Podi Hamuduruwo. That is how the ‘dayakas’ started addressing [...]
A true disciple of Gurudewa Alles would embrace our multi-culturalism | R.I.T. Alles “The light has gone out of our lives, and there is darkness everywhere.” This is exactly what I felt when I heard the sad news of our beloved Gurudewa’s passing away within a few hours of landing in Sri Lanka. The above were [...]
Letters to the editor

Mining controversy: Remember the case of Freeport MacMoran I refer to the article on Mining Licences by Namini Wijedasa published in the Sunday Times of December 1 as an INSIGHT report. That report brought to my memory an earlier instance when the Geological and Mines Bureau, along with the Ministry concerned and the Attorney General, [...]
Library in village shop: Spreading the word among fives to 95s

A library: That was Ameena Hussein’s gift to her community in Puttalam. Generous donations from friends and family have allowed her and her husband Sam Perera to buy books, while the villagers themselves have contributed shelves and space for the library. Readers are flocking in, says Ameena, who dreams of setting up similar libraries all [...]
Talking HIV: Too much talk, too little action?

Bangkok – In recent times, every local or international conference dealing with problems that need early solutions has one underlying theme: there is too much talk, too little action. Popularly known as NATO (All Talk, No Action)! This was a feature at the recently concluded 11th ICAAP (International Congress on AIDS in Asia & the [...]
Is censorship a damp squib?

Is ISON on? That’s the question which was on every amateur astronomer’s mind over the past ten days or so. The celebrated comet was fast approaching perihelion, fame, and possibly immortality as the brightest swathe of light in the sky since Halley’s (1986) or Kohoutek (1973). What happened next was something of an anticlimax. A [...]
Taking a leap in the right direction

Yoshita Abayasekara-Jacobson doesn’t look like your typical 41-year-old. Her short hair, streaked with pale gold highlights, is cropped closely on one side in a homage to punk; it allows you to see the two crosses that dangle from thin silver chains from one ear. She has the slender build of a dancer and is dressed [...]
Alien Accent and others at Qbaa
Catch Alien Accent in concert at Qbaa when the well-known trio Suresh, Dillain and DK team up with Ranil Gunawardena, Billy Fernando, Milan John and Shivantha Fernando for two special concerts. Aruna Siriwardena on drums, Ratnam Ratnadurai on tabla and Sureka Amerasinghe on flute will join them as guest artistes. The two concerts will be [...]
Await a festive feast with SOSL
The Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka is tuning up to usher in the festive season with a concert of Festive Delights where the Old Joes and Contempo Choirs will combine in wonderful harmony with the SOSL on Sunday, December 15 at the BMICH at 7 p.m. The audience can look forward to a special programme, [...]
Bridgetines renew cherished ties
Welcoming the season with laughter, music and entertainment presented by past pupils Mignonne and Indu Dharmasena and the likes of Ronnie Leitch (not a past student!), the Bridgetine Soiree organised by the Past Pupils’ Association of St. Bridget’s Convent on December 1 at the Kings Court of the Cinnamon Lakeside was an evening of unfettered [...]
A true Scottish celebration
Chieftain, Gordon Kenny and Vice Chieftain, Grahame Leitch did the honours when the St. Andrew’s Ball was held at the Galadari Hotel on November 30. British High Commissioner John Rankin, Canadian High Commissioner Shelley Whiting and others from the diplomatic and expatriate community celebrated in true Scottish style with music and dancing, entertained by the [...]
Savour your evenings at Casa Club

Casa Colombo threw a party to celebrate the launch of the Casa Club last month and the grand old mansion in Colombo 4 rolled out a red carpet welcome with guests treading on flower petals to enter and enjoy the evening hosted by CEO Lalin Jinasena. The Casa Club offers its members exceptional privileges- handpicked [...]
The De Lanerolle Bros herald the season in style

The threat of rain saw what was billed as an outdoor evening moved into the safe confines of the Ballroom of the Water’s Edge. But little was taken away from the seasonal cheer as the De Lanerolle Brothers performed with their usual flair delighting the packed house with their Christmas concert on December 2. The [...]
From tinkering with tunes at 2 years to centre stage

“My parents are not very musical people,” smiles Sachiththa Fernando but that didn’t stop them from identifying and encouraging their son’s passion for music from an early age. Having made his debut as a soloist at the Junior Symphony Orchestra Concert earlier in October, this multi-talented musician is beginning to make his way in the [...]
“Big Apple” – A breath of fresh air in Colombo
“Big Apple” – a programme of music and dance – was performed by Elizabeth Moir School in November at the Lionel Wendt. Director – Aida Mansoor; assistant director – Francesca Mudannayake; music director – Sureka Amerasinghe; choreographers – Francesca Mudannayake and Amar Riyaz. In the Director’s own words, “Amar Riyaz and Francesa Mudannayake are easily [...]
Kishani returns to local stage after four years

Sri Lanka’s very own golden voiced soprano, Kishani Jayasinghe will take centre stage after four years in Colombo on January 9 at the Lionel Wendt Theatre when she sings for the Displaced Children of Sri Lanka. Her last performance at home in 2009 held local audiences spellbound at the sold out charity concert organised by [...]
This, has got to be paradise

The thought of making a trip to Africa had been on my mind for some time. As a wildlife, nature and jungle lover the ‘Dark Continent’ remains on the top of my dream list. Seychelles seemed somewhat a consolation trip for me in many ways. But the moment I walked out from the Mihin Lanka [...]
Mammoth book on our mammals

A little known fact is that Sri Lanka is home to 125 Mammalian species. Much has been written about elephants, leopards and even on primates individually, but after W.W.A. Philips’ review of Sri Lanka’s mammals in the 1930s, there was no comprehensive review undertaken. Filling this void, is the new book “Mammals of Sri Lanka” [...]
A journey of discovery

Book facts | Not Our War by Sanjiva Wijesinha – published by Vijitha Yapa Publications This is a collection of wonderfully woven short stories – a must not only for every Sri Lankan but also for anyone who has been affected by and has had to deal with the horrors of war. In these stories – [...]
Design lecture: Adding value to Sri Lankan crafts
‘Design – the value addition to Sri Lankan crafts’, a lecture by Tilak Samarawickreme will be held on December 12 at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Horton Place, Colombo, from 5- 6 p.m. Tilak Samarawickrema is an architect with a multifaceted design background. His major contribution to the arts and [...]
Sri Lanka Heart Association President explains theme for 2014

It is prevention as well as management of heart attacks that the current President of the Sri Lanka Heart Association, Dr. Gotabhaya Ranasinghe, will focus on. Explaining that the theme for 2014 will be ‘ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) management, Dr. Ranasinghe promised a two-pronged approach, soon after taking up the Presidency of the association [...]
A vital message for our times

“What do I do if my tuition master secretly wants to have an affair with me?” was a question written on a little piece of paper. The paper was from a pile containing the questions schoolchildren had after following a workshop on abuse. “We, For Women” is the International Inner Wheel Club theme for 2013 and [...]
St. Peter’s College Carol Service
As Christmas draws near, the Choir of St. Peter’s College, Colombo 4, will raise their voices in joy and thanksgiving at their customary Carol Service on Saturday, December 14. Titled ‘The Child of Bethlehem’, the Peterite Choir will be joined by the Primary Choir, the Teachers’ Choir and the Peterite Chorale in celebration of the birth [...]
Choir of Visually Handicapped Singers prepare seasonal favourites
It’s the month of Christmas and the Choir of Visually Handicapped Singers has been hard at practice getting ready with a full complement of Christmas carols and seasonal favourites. The choir of blind singers is adept at four-part harmony and their repertoire includes Sinhala, English and Tamil carols interspersed with German and Swedish verses. They [...]
‘Share the Magic’ this Christmas Season with Cotton Collection
Cotton Collection shared the magic of the season with the kids from the Morning Star School—a project under the Community Concern. A special event was hosted for them on November 29th as part of their annual initiatives to give back to the community. Around 30 children, aged six to 12, of Morning Star School were [...]
Peoples’ Church Assembly of God Carol Service
The Peoples’ Church Assembly of God carol service – ‘The Saviour is Born’ will be held at 160/30, Kirimandala Mawatha, Narahenpita, on December 15 at 6 p.m.
Registration for course with veteran photographer
Veteran photographer, Sanjaya Vithana is registering students for his next photography course. This will be his third intake. Sanjaya has been in the photography arena since 1988. He initially worked for PhotoChrome, a well known photography and advertising company, gaining valuable knowledge. He’s also a model maker, and is skilled in digital animation and is [...]
“Legends of Yesteryear” to perform at HASL charity musical show
HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) will present a charity musical show “Legends of Yesteryear” with ‘Annesley and the Super Chimes’ on December 22 at the Musaeus College Auditorium, Colombo at 7 p.m. HelpAge Sri Lanka is raising funds for its free medical services and also to perform cataract surgeries for needy senior citizens. The HelpAge Eye [...]
‘Pop Musical 2013′: Bringing the West End to Colombo
Practices are kicking up in intensity at Ashanthi’s School of Music, located down Park Road Colombo 5, where we find Ashanthi De Alwis -the youngest and only female artist in the country to be signed by an internationally-recognised record label- scampering through her busy schedule, trying to sort out the nitty-gritties of the concert. Most [...]