Mirror Magazine
Platform for debate | World Youth Conference 2014
The first meeting of the International Youth Task Force (IYTF) of the Youth Conference was held recently at the Maharagama Youth Services Council, and saw twenty young leaders presenting their ideas to formulate the structure of the World Youth Conference 2014 to be held in Sri Lanka The International Youth Task Force consists of 10 [...]
Bringing out the scientist

It was inspiring ideas that took the helm at the School Inventors Competition, hosted by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), in concurrence with their 69th Annual Sessions. Held at the Faculty of Science of the University of Kelaniya, recently the competition, was split up into four age categories. While organizers ensured [...]
A Cry unanswered
One day at around 1am in the morning an individual was driving his three wheeler while under the influence of alcohol . He had taken a slight bend, knocked the three wheeler on the wall and passed out on the spot with the three wheeler overturned on top of him. Even though he was well [...]
Do you know senor Santa Claus ?
To many, Santa Claus is simply a jolly man in a red suit, but our favourite Christmas visitor has a complicated past. He is a collage of many different cultures and beliefs, including Christian and Pagan, Old Catholic, Scandinavian, Dutch, German and English. Here’s some other interesting trivia about the man. Santa Claus actually existed [...]
Of food, fun and relatives | What Christmas means to me

Christmas for me has always been about family, pretty much like for everyone else. My holiday movements are usually governed by where the largest concentration of family weddings is over December and January. For the last few years that was Colombo (of course) but this year it was Melbourne, so off to Melbourne I go! [...]
Transit home
Sunset cast a glow over the fenced garden of his world. The weeping willows seemed to restrain from weeping as the stream bubbled on its way to the meadows outside the high wall. The magic of twilight was lighting up the environment around the transit home. . . Each glow of sunset erased the fears [...]