Ashley Halpé–the human and humane being
“When Mrs. Halpé invited me to speak this evening, my first reaction was, ‘but I have written and spoken about Prof. Halpé so many times over the years! However, I eventually agreed to speak because I believe that some sentiments are well worth repeating.
Tonight I will not highlight the many splendid professional accomplishments of Prof. Halpé, his academic successes, glittering prizes won and the like. Rather my comments today will focus on Ashley Halpé the human and humane being.

Congratulations! Prof Halpe cuts his b’day cake surrounded by family
His is an understated personality, with the humanity, humility and modesty of the truly educated person at its core. As a teacher, he did not mesmerise us as some of his predecessors, especially Lyn Ludowyk and Doric de Souza, are reputed to have done. Prof. Halpé’s knowledge and erudition were never on obvious public display in or outside the classroom. He never talked at us. His pedagogic labours were directed at ferreting out what we knew, thought and felt about literature and life. His disarming simplicity and unobtrusiveness are a crucial part of Ashley Halpé’s immense civility.
Of those with an education in the humanities that I know personally, there indeed are only a handful who actually live by or reflect the virtues and values of such an education. And Ashley Halpé is one of those precious few. Indeed of only a few humanities specialists can it be truly said that all that’s best in literature and the arts meets in his aspect and his eyes. I have never heard or seen in print harsh and disparaging words from him about anyone.
Prof. Halpés concern for family, friends and colleagues is sincere and heartfelt. I do not wish to paint a wrong picture of the man whose four score years we celebrate today by making him larger than life. For, all of his human frailties or despite them, Ashley Halpé is a very true, near, perfect, gentle human being. He possesses an impish sense of humour and is able, when occasion demands, to even laugh at himself.
And whilst giving of himself to the world around him in his characteristically understated style I referred to earlier, Prof. Halpé has been, and remains, the exemplary family man, a devoted husband and parent, and a thoughtful brother. It is virtually impossible to speak of Ashley Halpé without in the same breath mentioning Bridget and their children Mantha (Guy, to some of you), Hàsinee and Aparna.
I’d like to end my brief comments with the thoughts of yet another wonderful product of Peradeniya’s famed English Department as is Ashley Halpé. I refer to Prof. Dennis Bartholomeusz. Here is Dennis’s take on Prof. Halpé:
“Professor Emeritus, Ashley Halpé, remains a many-sided Renaissance thinker, against all odds, when the nation heading for a new birth in the 1950s, appears to be heading today in the opposite direction. Prof. Halpé with his undivided passion for music, poetry and painting has kept a small creative lamp burning bright as the night grows darker. His publications speak for the nation as a whole, a pluralist culture, now being busily torn up by the politicians as if war was a game of snakes and ladders played by children. The most vividly authentic of Halpé’s recent paintings exploring the wastelands of death in the run-down gardens of Eden, tell us that war is no game. His astonishing colours glowing into life approximate to a condition of music.”
The very best of everything Prof. Halpé, to you and to your family. May you be blessed with good health, peace of mind and heart and, most important, contentment in all your future endeavours. Thank you for all you have done for us.”