Ruwansiri Dairies takes another step towards boosting SL’s self- sufficiency in milk
View(s):A new factory complex of Ruwansiri Dairies Pvt Ltd was ceremonially opened in the Uva region by Shasheendra Rajapaksa, Chief Minister of Uva Wellassa recently.

Inside the plant
The company selected Tessa, the world’s best dairy manufacturing plants, for a plant that would convert fresh milk into pasteurized milk, ice cream, yoghurt, cheese and other value added products under the brand name ‘Milrain’.
At the event, Ramesh Wickramasekera, CEO of Ruwansiri Dairies (Pvt) Ltd explained plans to provide fresh milk products under the brand name. K.M.D. Divithotawela, Chairman and Mr. Wickramasekera together expressed their appreciation of the contribution given by the farming community, authorities, veterinary surgeons, banks and others to the company over the over past 41 years.
A company statement said that it was 41 years ago that the late K. M. Appuhamy Divithotawela, founder of the Ruwansiri milk collection centre had a vision in leading the nation towards self sufficiency in milk. Ruwansiri Enterprises was established by the present Chairman K. M. Dayalal Divithotawela to expand into gas, fuel and animal health products distribution. Today, Ruwansiri Dairies (Pvt) Ltd is the largest milk collector in the Uva province.
The company said that the farming community was guided to enhance the local milk production and to improve cattle management. Credit facilities were granted to milk farmers to develop their dairy industry. Training programmes were conducted to educate farmers on new developments and technology by the organization. This not only improved the quantity of milk production, but also the quality of milk.