Getting in shape

A nip here, a tuck there and an injection elsewhere and you are as good as new or in some cases even better than new. This is what cosmetic surgery is all about, MediScene learns. Cosmetic procedures, a branch of plastic surgery, are performed to improve or enhance the appearance of a patient who is otherwise [...]
The science of skin

Skin problems can have a huge impact on our emotional well-being, sometimes in complete disproportion to their seriousness. Even a relatively harmless case of acne can leave a teenager shy and ashamed to go out, let alone the more severe forms of eczema or psoriasis. This week we speak with Dr. Chalukya Gunasekera, a Consultant [...]
Don’t forget to look after your brain

In 1901 a 51-year-old woman Auguste Deter was admitted to the Hospital for the Mentally Ill and Epileptics in Frankfurt, Germany. The attending physician was Dr. Alois Alzheimer. He observed Auguste over the next five years. She forgot where she had placed her things and lost her way even in her own home. She sometimes [...]
Take time for your teeth

What would your teeth like you to know when they ache? Why are your gums bleeding? What do mouth sores reveal when they hang around for longer than a week? This month, Dr. Rifeth Rasheed, General Dentist, takes us through some common symptoms and the dental problems that could be causing them. Here are 7 [...]
Milking out the myths

Milk and dairy foods provide our diet with at least ten essential nutrients, such as high quality protein, carbohydrate, vitamins A, D, B12 and B2, as well as important minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc. One to two servings of milk or the equivalent will help to provide a major portion of the [...]
Feet need TLC to beat ageing
We worry a lot about how ageing affects the face – but maybe we should worry more about the other end of the body, as about 80 per cent of people over 60 have a foot problem. With the help of leading specialists, Diana Pilkington looks at some of the main problems that affect our [...]
Make that pain go away
From chronic back pains to debilitating nerve pains, everyone has or will, at some point in time, experience pain. For some people it could be just a temporary pain that may pass within days or few weeks, while others may suffer for much longer often getting addicted to pain medicines which in turn can have [...]
When a cat bites

Many people laugh off a little nip from their pet cat but new research suggests even a small bite can be very serious. A study has shown that cats can inject bacteria deep into the joints and tissue where there is a perfect breeding ground for infection. As a result, the researchers say any one who [...]