I am currently on my first-ever visit to South Asia as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s issues. By the time my trip concludes, I will have visited with government officials, NGO-leaders, and inspiring citizens in India, Nepal and Pakistan. I had tried very hard to include Sri Lanka on this trip as well. [...]



Why the US is keen to support women in Sri Lanka


I am currently on my first-ever visit to South Asia as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s issues. By the time my trip concludes, I will have visited with government officials, NGO-leaders, and inspiring citizens in India, Nepal and Pakistan. I had tried very hard to include Sri Lanka on this trip as well. I did not want to leave the region without a chance to speak to some of the courageous and inspiring women of this country.

The message I had hoped to bring to Sri Lanka is the same message I have been charged by US President Obama to carry to all corners of the world — that peace, prosperity, and economic growth can only be achieved with the full and equal participation of women. That is why we all must find common cause in seeking to advance women’s political and economic participation, to end gender-based violence and human trafficking that for so long have stifled women’s progress, and to reduce the rates of maternal and child mortality that prevent women and girls from realising their full potential.

We all know that the consequences of the conflict in Sri Lanka were especially felt by women — whether as direct victims of terrorism, violence and rape, or as widows left to rebuild homes and incomes even as they cared for their children and elderly. Today, more than one in four households in Sri Lanka are headed by women.

I hope we can work together to find ways to support and empower all Sri Lankan women — not just because it is the right and moral thing to do, but because it is the smart thing to do. As President Obama has said, “Countries are more likely to prosper when they tap the talents of all their people. When mothers and daughters have access to opportunity, that’s when economies grow, that’s when governance improves.”

Research has shown that efforts to empower women economically pay a double-dividend, since women are more likely to spend their incomes on improving the health and education of their families. When women participate fully in government, politics, and peace negotiations, they are more likely to build coalitions across ethnic and sectarian lines, and speak on behalf of other marginalised groups. They can act as mediators and help foster compromise, as well as find creative solutions. They can galvanise opinion and draw in support for peace and reconciliation. So it is critical that we endeavour to not only include women, but actively promote their leadership across all aspects of economic and political life.

The United States is working with governments, organisations and individuals around the world to protect and advance the rights of women and girls. Here in Sri Lanka, the US has supported many post-war efforts to assist Sri Lankan women in rebuilding their lives and their country. Since 2009, the US government has provided humanitarian assistance, supported counselling and legal services, and worked to address and prevent gender-based violence and trafficking. We have provided about $40,000,000 over the last five years to help re-integrate families around the country. With NGO partners such as the International Organisation of Migration, we support a shelter for trafficking victims in the Western Province. With the Chambers of Commerce and Women’s Chambers, we help the private sector develop training programmes for small, women-led businesses.

These are just a few examples of the US commitment to advancing the status of women of Sri Lanka. We very much hope to continue working in friendship and partnership with the people of Sri Lanka to ensure that all your citizens can fulfil their greatest potential. And I very much hope that I will be able to visit your remarkable country in the very near future.

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