A world of tranquillity
Entering the gates of the Prithipura Home in Hendala one is immediately transported into a world of tranquillity. With its leafy gardens, playground and homely cottages it lives up to its description as being a sort of sanctuary. Formally established in 1964, Prithipura Home is an approved Non-Governmental Organisation, dedicated to caring for those with mental / physical disabilities.

A place to call home for both the young and not so young (below)
With 75 residents ranging from mites of seven years to adults, Prithipura was initially established as a children’s home but soon grew to be a sort of shelter for children and adults alike. According to patron Mrs. Shanthini Perera “those who have been here as children have stayed on”. The home literally is one to its residents who arrive there as youngsters and stay on throughout their lives.
The children who are admitted are usually orphaned or come from families who cannot take care of them. At Prithipura, in addition to receiving shelter the residents are given medical care with regular physiotherapy sessions and visits to clinics at the Ragama and Colombo National Hospitals. They are encouraged to pursue their talents and abilities such as art at the activity centre situated in the home itself. Seven of the children attend school outside of the home.
Prithipura has a cottage concept with the six cottages on the premises being homes for the residents. Each cottage has its own name and is run by two “House Mothers”. The residents learn to take care of themselves and each other, helping out through appropriate activities. They have their own vegetable plots where the children and adults alike enthusiastically tend the beans, kankun and gotu kola which they grow themselves. The produce from these gardens goes to the Home’s kitchen.
“The concept of having cottages was to give them the feeling of being at home,” explains Mrs. Nirmalini Kannangara, one of the Vice Presidents of the Home’s Board of Management. Like many who have a lifetime of memories at Prithipura, Mrs Kannangara fondly recalls her mother Dr. Gladys Jayawardena, the founder President’s strong commitment to the Home, she being the one who introduced the idea of having cottages.
The Home is managed by a Board and staff of 21; a few of whom have been a part of its legacy for years. Some of the staff members have completed over 30 years of service.
Matron, Mrs. Sumana Bandara who has been on the staff since the time of Dr. Jayawardena recalled the humble beginnings of the Home which was started by Ven. Sumana who undertook the care of three boys in a mud hut on the beach. “This place was literally a jungle,” stated Mrs. Bandara who remembers the work that went into clearing up and tarring the area which used to be a marshland.
Every person who stepped in at some point during Prithipura’s 50-year existence can look back with pride at the sanctuary that despite many obstacles still stands strong today. “The only major problem we have is the lack of funds,” said President Mrs. Indrani De Silva, explaining that the Home finds it difficult to help with every request to take in a new resident.
It would not be possible without the community and Prithipura has integrated with the community so much so that countless families do their bit to help the Home. Suweni Perera is one of the younger volunteers who has on several occasions offered her time and services as a voluntary teacher. Having visited with her family from childhood, she feels that like the residents, the volunteers are also like a family that continues the good work done by their predecessors.