‘Afterlife 2014’ – platform for rock bands
Pix by Kasun Piyumal (Lucid Fantasy)
The Rotaract club of the University of Moratuwa Alumni kicked off the year in style. In collaboration with the Rotaract club of University of Moratuwa, they organized ‘AFTERLIFE 2014’, an unplugged concert featuring talented local artistes from the Sri Lankan rock industry. This was the first club service project put together by the Alumni club which was founded in November 2013. The evening comprised of performances by amazing lineup of performers, namely Unsung Conflict, Drowning Ophelia, Natasha Soysa, Ethereal, Crywolf and Disclaimer.
‘AFTERLIFE 2014’ was held at the Ceylon Hotel School Auditorium on the 28th of February and started off with an entertaining performance by the band Unsung Conflict who showed off their talent, especially in the punk rock genre. Unsung Conflict was followed by Natasha Soysa whose cover of ‘The crow and the butterfly’ by Shine down got the crowd pumped up. The evening saw the debut performance of Drowning Ophelia who did a spectacular job, judging by the audience’s enthusiastic response to their music. Their rendition of ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons deserves special mention.
The performances by Ethereal, Crywolf and Disclaimer, all three bands who have a following among Sri Lankan rock fans, captivated the crowd, with covers of songs like ‘Smells like teen spirit’ by Nirvana. It was encouraging to see them perform their own music as well, much to the delight of the audience. Ethereal performed two originals, namely ‘Chaos Knights’ and ‘Letters’ while Disclaimer and Crywolf performed original singles ‘Pain still remains’ and ‘The wind’, respectively.
Organisers of ‘AFTERLIFE’ are looking at making this an annual event and something to look forward to for all music fans and talented young musicians.
- Chethana Dharmawardane