Rain from today, forecasts Met. Dept.
The Meteorological Department has predicted rain and thunder showers from today.
Met. Department Director Lalith Chandrapala said the inter-monsoonal rains which take place in March and April should commence by the end of this month, adding it is difficult to make a categorical statement about it.

A dried up tank in Chilaw Pic by Augustin Fernando
“For the past ten days we did not receive any rain and there was a certain amount of dryness in most parts of the country. However this condition will change this week and there will be showers in all parts of the country,” he said.
Mr. Chandrapala said that during the April season the rains will continue.
“The weather during the coming New Year season will be the same as the last. We do not expect a great change in the weather pattern. During April the days will be sunny with clear skies while at night we will witness thunderstorms,” he said.
Meanwhile Irrigation Department Director Badrani Kamaladasa said the supply of water for irrigation is at risk as the rainfall anticipated is lesser than average.
She said the water levels in the reservoirs in the dry zone are very low adding a substantial amount of rain is needed to fill them.
“Apart from the reservoirs even the ground water levels are low and a good amount of rain is needed to regenerate water sources such as wells. However if we receive sufficient rainfall, cultivation of crops and hydro power production will not be hindered,” she said.
The rainfall during the North-East monsoon (November to January) was below average in most past of the country. The lack of sufficient rainfall caused all reservoirs in most parts of the Dry Zone to run dry and the Irrigation Department said this will affect cultivation for the coming Yala season.
Ms. Kamaladasa said water for the Maha season cultivation was released anticipating that the North-East monsoon rains will come as usual. It is now feared the rainfall would not be sufficient to replenish all reservoirs to their normal levels.