The dark side of crowd invasions
Crowd invasions at recent schools’ big matches have become a habit, especially in matches that are heading for decisions. The invaders not only interrupt the game but also cause huge damage to the properties of the grounds and its surroundings.
Cricket is a game played by gentlemen. If so the spectators should also behave like gentlemen. Gone are the days of big matches where the old boys of both colleges get together and reminisce over past memories of the glorious school life and cheer both sides. It is

Crowd invasions at Big Matches are becoming a habit.
noticed that in most cases of crowd invasions young old boys are the culprits. Big matches are social events which enable old boys to meet their old classmates, teachers, who have guided them to the positions and status that they are presently in. In our days every old boy who comes to the big match first goes to the Teachers Enclosure to pay tribute to all the teachers under each of them studied. Old boys especially the younger crowd must keep in mind that when they come to the big match they can sing ,dance and make merry but that should be confined only to the pavilion. Whenever a big match is played in any part of the country Sri Lankans pay special attention to the match, as not every old boy or well-wisher will be getting a chance to go for the match.
A big match is played between two sister schools and winning or losing is a small matter over which old boys shouldn’t get alarmed. While enjoying with their friends it is no point in running on to the field at the fall of every wicket, when each batsman scores a century or a fifty which brings the game to a halt and disturbs the concentration of the players especially of the batsmen. The best example is that at a recently played big match in Colombo a batsman who batted the whole day to see his side out of the danger of defeat and as he was gradually nearing the three figure mark all of a sudden some spectators rushed to congratulate him thinking that he had reached the century thus causing a brief stoppage of play. After clearing the invaders out of the playing area when play resumed and this poor lad was dismissed just four runs short of his century. Every schoolboy’s dream is to score a fifty or a century in the big match, but due to an unwanted field invasion this brave boy who single handedly guided his team to safety was deprived of a well deserved century.
Everyone who comes for a big match or any other match has a right to cheer his school or cricketers but nobody has a right to invade the playing area and disrupt the proceedings. This is a point that school authorities should consider and make necessary arrangements. At a big match nobody would like to see riot police or any other security personnel armed with tear gas cannons. It is the responsibility of every old boy, every student and every well-wisher to keep their presence away while enjoying the game and letting the game go uninterrupted for the full duration and take home happy memories.
Let this noble game go on forever and be played in the best traditions with the help of knowledgeable and well behaved spectators as there is no game without spectators.