EU invites SL businesses to Europe
The European Union Sri Lanka Business Council (EUSLBC) would be conducting a series of visits to the EU bloc for local businesses in a bid to attract new investments into Sri Lanka.
As part of the first of a series of visits that would be taking place on a sectoral basis, the EU has invited Sri Lankan businesses in the IT sector for a tour of Europe scheduled to take place in May.
The EU Sri Lanka Business Council Vice Chairman Alan Donnelly said the first delegation would visit Brussels, London and Belgium.
This was set to serve as an opportunity to “tell the story of Sri Lanka,” he explained adding that businesses were the best ambassadors for the country.
However, he noted obstacles needed to be addressed to create a trade relationship with the EU.
“In Sri Lanka because you have an entrepreneurial culture you are experiencing success,” Mr. Donnelly said.
Commenting on the development projects in the country, the visiting vice chair observed the maritime sector was improving and with the port city project, he pointed out the maritime potential would be key for future discussions with Europe.
In addition, he spoke of the need for carrying out research and development that could be enhanced through the European Chamber of Commerce and which could be taken up at the joint commission discussions as well.
Sri Lankan businesses were asked to ensure the government deals with the removal of trade barriers impeding free trade with the bloc as this was expected to send a positive message to the EU and trading partners.
Following an IT business delegation from Sri Lanka the EU would be inviting those in the tourism and apparel sectors as well.