Let the music come to you

They simply won’t let him leave. He returns to the stage three times, each time to an audience on its feet chanting his name and giving both him and his orchestra the thunderous applause they had earned that night. Having returned to the piano for his third encore, Yanni takes a moment to drink in [...]
Mirror Magazine
Let the games begin

Game of Thrones season 4 is already underway and with the release of the episode titles for the new season, fans already have some clue as to what to expect from the series. With clips of episodes floating around and spoiler blogs, we’ve put together a few scenarios to be played out in this season. [...]
… And all that’s nice

Mel’s Tea Cafe There’s a new tea shop in town-a green haven tucked away amidst the bustle of activity on Cotta Road, Mel’s is a family run business catering to those with a penchant for a cup of good old Ceylon tea. The café was opened by Niraj de Mel, a professional tea taster who [...]
That Café in Colombo

With its curiously utilitarian name, ‘That Café’ in Colombo is more a restaurant than a coffee shop but don’t let that bother you. Their portions are substantial, filling and actually quite yummy and its a good place in Wellawatte for a decent spot for chilling out with friends and family. Opened a few months ago [...]
TV Times
Legacy of sisterhood

They’ve been singing with each other for so long that it’s a thing of instinct now – this blending of voices in harmony. It’s not always easy to get Lorde’s ‘Royals’ right but that’s exactly what the female choral ensemble of Asteria manages to do. They sing it in parts, together, spaced out-whatever they do [...]
Mirror Magazine
Await the play of Kes by CIS
First it was pantomime, but for this time’s senior production for the semester the students of the Colombo International School will see students revert to a more serious genre of theatre. The students from the ages of seven to 10, will be taking on Barry Hines and Allen Stronach’ play- The Play of KES. The [...]
Make others happy
Recently, I perceived some interesting interpretations on happiness on social media. Most of my friends have commented on happiness and for some of them happiness is finishing an exam, a picnic with friends or singing alone while bathing. For some others it is just sleeping, eating or chatting and some equate it to money or [...]
TV Times
‘Thanha Rathi Ranga’ Road Movie entered State’s film fest.

Nilendra Deshapriya’s directorial debut ‘Thanha Rathi Ranga’ which is translated as ‘Between Yesterday and Tomorrow’ has been selected as an official entry to Julien Dubuque International Film Festival in the United States. A road movie about a country where a 30-year old civil conflict has brutalized the psychology of its people, making it utterly impossible [...]
Prestantia Chorale premiers ‘Borrowed Tomb’ – Easter Cantata

The Prestantia Chorale is a new choral group, formed in February 2013 under the Musical direction of Dr. Priyeshni Peiris Perera. It filled a vacuum in Moratuwa, which the “Moratuwa Choral Society” functioned and performed for many years. Dr. Priyeshni Peiris Perera, who obtained her doctorate in Music from the Texas Tech University, USA returned [...]
Nihal to enter YouTube with a new song

Nihal Chandrasekara veteran lead guitarist and vocalist is to release the visual of ‘Desin Obe’ one of the three songs he has done. The visual of the song has been done under the supervision of filmmaker Sirithunga Perera. Participating at the competition held in the Maldives, Nihal reached the third round of ‘Rataviru Real Star’, [...]
Nathasha releases ‘Kurulu Kevilla’

‘Kurulu Kevilla’ the maiden compact disc comprising a collection of songs sung by Nuwani Nathasha Harischandra will be released today, April 27 at 3 pm at Namel Malani Punchi Theatre, Borella. Young Nathasha is a diploma holder in singing from Bhatkhanda Music Institute University at Lucknow India. Lyrics are penned by Ven. Rambukkana Siddhartha Thera, [...]
‘Gutikemata Niyamithai’ goes to Gampaha

‘Gutikemata Niyamithai’ a satirical play which depicts how one loses his own identity in society, will be staged in two special shows on Saturday May 3 at 1.30 pm and 6.45 pm at the air-conditioned Lumbini Theatre in Gampaha. The latest venue for stage plays in Gampaha, the Lumbini theatre is situated near Seylan Bank, [...]
“Dhawala Bheeshana” back again

The veteran dramatist Dharmasiri Bandaranayake’s award winning stage play “Dhawala Bheeshana” will be staged in Colombo on May 7 at Lionel Wendt Theatre. The Sinhalese translation of the play “Men without Shadows” by French playwright Jean Paul Sartre, this play was first produced in the year 1988 by acclaimed theatre director Dharmasiri Bandaranayake. The original [...]
Nari Bana and Jasaya in Borella

Two popular dramas of Dayananda Gunawardena ‘Nari Bana’ and ‘Jasaya saha Lenchina’ will be staged on Saturday May 3at 3.30 p.m. and 6.45 p.m. at Namel Malani Punchi Theatre, Borella. Bandula Wijeweera, Rodney Warnakula, Sarath Kulanga, Tharanda Kumari, Rathnasheela Perera, Sunil Thilakaratnhe, Nilmini Kottegoda, Jayanath Bandara and Indika Jayasinghe performe in the two theatrical productions. [...]
Macaw family’s adventure in Amazon

Following the immense success of ‘Rio’ entertaining animation movie about Blu, a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, ‘Rio 2’ is now being screened at Savoy at 4.15 pm and 7.00pm.Directed by Carlos Saldanha the film features the returning voices of Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway,, Jamie Fox, George Lopez, Tracy Morgan, Jemaine Clement, [...]
‘Miridiya’ stands tall in Anuradhapura

Miridiya Hotel has been maintaining its prestigious and demanding position in the hospitality trade specially in the heritage city of Anuradhapura for the last 35 years. Miridiya stands out todate, despite the fact that there are many hotels in the vicinity. ‘The secret of unbreakable guest flow at Miridiya is the uniqueness of the hotel, [...]
Palm Beach on East coast

Palm Beach Resort in Nilaveli is the latest addition to Nilaveli’s luxury accommodation list. Located at the ninth mile post of the Nilaveli-Trinco road, Palm Beach comprises of six luxury chalets. The resort boasts of beautiful beach frontage overlooking Pigeon Island and a large green garden. The luxury chalets have all modern amenities including mini [...]