Indo-Lanka fishing puzzle: Putting the pieces together

Last week’s decision by the Minister of Fisheries to continue ‘fishermen to fishermen dialogues’ in search of a solution to the fishery dispute in the Palk Bay, comes at an interesting time. Since the middle of April, south Indian trawlers have been absent from the Sri Lankan side of Palk Bay, because of the Indian [...]
Simpsons stirred Syrian civil war, claims Egyptian TV

The sighting of a Syrian opposition flag in a 2001 episode of The Simpsons is proof the United States is behind the country’s civil war, an Egyptian television channel has claimed. A report on Al-Tahrir TV featured an episode of the Fox show called New Kids On The Blecch which originally aired more than 13 [...]
This is not a toy track but the future of train travel

Magnetic levitation trains, or maglev for short, have been a big hit in Asia thanks to their incredible speed and capacity. But a new development called super-maglev could be set to push the limits even higher. China’s first manned megathermal superconducting maglev loop has been tested successfully by the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory of Southwest Jiaotong [...]
China considers building a rail link to America

China is considering building an 8,000-mile high-speed rail link to America that would take less than two days to travel. Travelling at around 217mph, the train would leave the north east of the country, run through Siberia and enter a 125-mile tunnel under the Bering Strait, the shortest crossing between Russia and Alaska. It would [...]
Father and son duo to speak on “Mexican Architecture Today”
Geoffrey Bawa defined modern living in Sri Lanka, inspiring architects and laymen alike to rethink spatial boundaries and create a tropical aesthetic based on site context, the surrounding environment and most importantly – a sense of community. Not surprisingly, Bawa drew international acclaim and an extended following from all over the world. The Geoffrey Bawa [...]
Graphic posters raise women’s issues
Women’s rights and violence against women are subjects that constantly make the news. Agenda 14 along with the Delegation of European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives along with the embassy of Switzerland felt the need to highlight these pressing concerns through the WOMAN poster competition and exhibition. The exhibition which is on at [...]
Remembering FR. Joe de Mel

A Mass in celebration of the life and service of Father Joe de Mel will be held at St Anthony’s Church, Kollupitiya on Wednesday, May 21 at 7 p.m.
A chance to view the best films from the SAARC region
The SAARC Cultural Centre will be once again be hosting the SAARC Film Festival from May 20 – 25 in Colombo. Given the success of the SAARC Film Festival in previous years, the Centre will once again showcase Feature and Short films of the region. Member countries have nominated some of their best Films from [...]
‘Himagatha Waruna- Sri Pada Puranaya’ on SLBC
‘Himagatha Waruna- Sri Pada Puranaya’, a music drama will be broadcast over the National Service of the SLBC on May 14 ( Vesak full moon Poya day) from 7-8 p.m. The script and lyrics for this music drama have been written by veteran lyricist Jayampathi Algama. Creative direction is by Rohana Siriwardena and music direction [...]
Steering the Mahasangha on the correct path

When I was nine years of age, I was taken by my father to Vajiraramaya to be ordained. When we got to know that the Most Venerable Madihe Paññasiha Mahanayaka Thera was residing at the Dharmayatanaya in Maharagama we went there. I was enthralled with what I saw at the Maharagama Dharmayatanaya, which was buzzing [...]
Ancient Buddha statue raises two fingers just like modern day anti-war sign

Flicking a peace sign is said to be the most-popular photo pose among the youth of east Asia, so it’s no wonder this stone Buddha statue in China has gained huge popularity. The 24ft-tall Amita Buddha, located in the 104th cave of the famous Longmen Grottoes in Henan Province, appears to be posing with two [...]
Constant arguing ‘increases premature death risk’

Having frequent arguments with partners, friends or relatives can increase the risk of death in middle-age, say Danish researchers. Writing in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, they said men and those not in work were most vulnerable. Dealing with worries and demands from close family was also linked to a higher mortality risk, [...]
Thailand’s ‘Red Shirts’ rally to defend wounded government

BANGKOK, May 10 (AFP) – Thailand’s pro-government “Red Shirts” began massing today in Bangkok to challenge a bid by opposition protesters to install an unelected regime in power after the removal of the prime minister. The dismissal of premier Yingluck Shinawatra and nine ministers by the Constitutional Court this week for the improper transfer of [...]
Who, What, Why: When did we start saying ‘blah, blah, blah’?

A row erupted during a question-and-answer session by a local newspaper in Oregon when a politician took exception to a reporter writing “blah blah blah” in a notebook. How did these words become part of the lexicon, asks Kate Dailey. It’s just one of many words, in many languages, used to denote meaningless or worthless [...]
Third gender and the long Journey toward recognition

UNITED NATIONS, (IPS) – The world is slowly, but painfully, moving towards the formal recognition of the existence of a third gender besides male and female. “The rights of transgender people — to their own identity and to access to health, education, work, housing and other rights — are being increasingly widely recognised,” Charles Radcliffe, [...]
‘Lust is key to all of the Bible’s famous marriages’

One New York based rabbi is offering new sex advice to American couples, advising that lust, not love is the key to a long lasting marriage. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, an author and former New Jersey congressional candidate, has written a new book on the topic called Kosher Lust, which was released on Thursday. The title [...]
Turn your phone into a panic button

It’s not nice to think that you’ll ever be in an emergency situation and will need to call for help, but a new app is at least making this scenario a little less terrifying. Eye-on-me has been designed to alert friends if you’re in trouble, effectively turning your smartphone into a panic button. Once an [...]
UN Security Council condemns kidnap of Nigerian girls

ABUJA, May 10, (AFP) – The UN Security Council has strongly condemned the abduction of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls, as the world body’s secretary general dispatched an envoy to help find them. The diplomatic moves on Friday came after Amnesty International said that Nigeria’s military had been warned of an attack on a school in [...]
Mini-sub to begin quest for MH370 in Indian Ocean
PERTH, Australia, May 10 (AFP) – A mini-sub hunting for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 will be back in the search zone within days, an official said today, as the Australian ship carrying the device prepared to leave on the mission. Australian vessel Ocean Shield is carrying the US Navy Bluefin-21 mini-sub which had been [...]
Tensions high on eve of east Ukraine independence vote
SEVASTOPOL, May 10 (AFP) – Election preparations were underway in east Ukraine today on the eve of an independence vote called by pro-Russian separatists as government forces pushed ahead with a military offensive against the rebels. The voting comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Crimea on Friday, for the first time since its annexation [...]
Unrest in S.Africa township after polls
JOHANNESBURG, May 10, (AFP) – South African police said today they arrested around 60 rioters after violent protests in a Johannesburg township amid allegations of voter fraud in elections that returned Nelson Mandela’s ANC to power. Rivalry reminiscent of the twilight of apartheid had flared up between the African National Congress and Inkatha Freedom Party [...]
Vietnam sea spat part of China’s larger strategy: Experts
BEIJING, May 10, (AFP) – China sending an oil rig to waters disputed with Vietnam is a move to assert its legal claim and practical hold over contested territory whatever the short-term political and diplomatic costs, analysts say — but could play into Washington’s hands. Beijing’s controversial move to dispatch the deep-water rig along with [...]
Open defecation: India tops the list

GENEVA, (Reuters) – One billion people worldwide still practise “open defecation” and they need to be told that this leads to the spread of fatal diseases, UN experts have said. “‘Excreta’, ‘faeces’, ‘poo’, I could even say ‘shit’ maybe, this is the root cause of so many diseases,” said Bruce Gordon, acting coordinator for sanitation [...]
Don’t dare pee in a pool again!

An urban myth, spread by parents around the world to stop their children peeing in the pool, claims urine turns swimming water purple. Although this isn’t the case, a firm from Texas has created a device that builds on this premise to detect traces of human waste in liquids. The container adds zinc ions to [...]
The tall and short of a Brazilian love story

Brazil’s loftiest teen is set to become the world’s tallest bride after her compact fiancee popped the big question. Aspiring model Elisany da Cruz Silva – who is a staggering 6ft 8ins tall – has been dating 5ft 4ins Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho for more than three years. Despite a massive 1ft 4ins between them, [...]
Dirty money: There are more germs on a coin than a toilet seat

It might be a matter of opinion as to whether money is the root of all evil – but cash is definitely dirty. Scientists have discovered that the average banknote is home to 26,000 bacteria, which could be potentially harmful to our health. Despite two thirds of us believing that handling bank notes and coins [...]
Safeguarding cyberspace

CAMBRIDGE – Brazil recently hosted NETmundial, the first global conference on Internet governance, attended by 800 representatives of governments, corporations, civil-society organisations, and technologists. Based on the notion of “multi-stakeholderism,” the meeting produced a 12-page “outcomes” document. Nonetheless, at the end of the conference, there was still no consensus on global cyber governance. Many governments [...]
Polypill the ‘super pill’ can save millions of lives

A new ‘super pill’ could save millions of lives across the world, experts claim. The pill, which contains a combination of drugs, leads to significant improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. As a result, the researchers say it offers ‘considerable potential to improve global health’. Scientists at The George Institute for Global Health in [...]
‘Indian election’ massacres of Muslims darken immigration debate

NARAYANGURI (Reuters) – From his hiding place in a cowshed, Sefaqul Islam watched as masked gunmen moved through his village, shot women and children dead with automatic rifles and tossed wounded survivors into the blazing remains of their homes. The cattle herder’s sister and seven-year-old nephew were among 41 Muslims killed by suspected tribal militants [...]
India election campaign ends with clashing visions

NEW DELHI, May 10, (AFP) – Ruling Congress party frontman Rahul Gandhi warned today of an India divided by caste and creed if the Hindu nationalist opposition wins power, as campaigning ended ahead of the last round of voting in the nation’s multi-stage election. Gandhi, scion of India’s most famous political dynasty, sought to muster [...]