Sunday Times 2
Father and son duo to speak on “Mexican Architecture Today”
Geoffrey Bawa defined modern living in Sri Lanka, inspiring architects and laymen alike to rethink spatial boundaries and create a tropical aesthetic based on site context, the surrounding environment and most importantly – a sense of community. Not surprisingly, Bawa drew international acclaim and an extended following from all over the world.

Juan Pablo Serrano Orosco

Geoffrey Bawa
The Geoffrey Bawa memorial lecture is an annual event organised by the Geoffrey Bawa Trust to coincide with Geoffrey Bawa’s death anniversary. The 12th Geoffrey Bawa Memorial Lecture will be held on May 23 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Auditorium, Independence Square, Colombo 7 at 6.30 p.m.
This year, Mexican architects, J. Fransisco Serrano and Juan Pablo Serrano Orosco will deliver the Geoffrey Bawa Memorial Lecture. The father and son duo, though part of different practices have collaborated on many key architectural projects in Mexico and outside it, and are well placed to speak on “Mexican Architecture Today”.

J. Fransisco Serrano
J. Fransisco Serrano is the third generation of a family of architects and graduated from the Ibero-American University in 1960. Among his many decorations and awards are the Luis Barragan award of the college of architects of Mexico City (2008), and the National Architecture prize (2013).
Juan Pablo Serrano Orozco graduated with honours from the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Ibero-American University in 1991. Since graduating he has worked in the studios of Agusto H. Alvarez and Ricardo Legoretta before setting up the partnership LMNS S.C. Serrano Monajaraz Architectos in 1993. Through his partnership he has worked with several other eminent architects including his father Fransisco Serrano and Legorreta+Legorreta.
The lecture is open to the public and all are welcome.