Sri Lankan Land Rover owners to get off-road safari experiences
View(s):Sri Lankan Land Rover owners are to get an opportunity to explore some of the wildlife destinations in the country through professional and authentic off-road safari experiences planned by Frontier Automotive, the sole representative for Land Rover in Si Lanka in collaboration with Cinnamon Nature Trails, the wildlife and adventure tourism division of Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts and one of Sri Lanka’s leading Eco-excursion providers, initiators of this scheme said in Colombo this week.

From left - Sheran Fernando - MD SML Frontier Automotives; Ajit Goonewardene - Deputy Chairman JKH and Chitral Jayatilake - Asst VP JK Group / Head of Eco Tourism and Special Projects
The company is offering their customers the chance to explore some of the best wildlife destinations that Sri Lanka has to offer – where Land Rover owners will have the chance to experience spectacular scenery and interesting driving experiences from behind the wheel of their state of the art all-terrain vehicles, Sheran Fernando, Managing Director, SML Frontier Automotive told a media conference in Colombo.
Expert guidance will be provided by the two partners of the initiative while maintaining the high levels of comfort and refinement that Land Rover owners expect, he said adding that the companies will offer customers a series of vibrant tours, which will explore, conserve and help research the wildlife in Sri Lanka.
Customers will stay in star class Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts, including Cinnamon Wild in Yala, Cinnamon Lodge in Habarana and Blu in Trincomalee. It will also include driver-training programs, which will help customers understand their vehicles and the environment they traverse upon better, he revealed. “Our commitment to the environment is based on the belief that future generations should be able to enjoy what we enjoy. This ‘spirit of exploration’ can only be appreciated by future generations through the protection of Sri Lanka’s inhabitants and landscapes. This is what Land Rover and Cinnamon Nature Trails are working to achieve, and this is why we are very proud to bring ‘Explorations’ to our customers,” he said.
Ajit Gunewardena, Deputy Chairman, John Keells Holdings, said Cinnamon has the vision to position Sri Lanka as the ‘Ultimate Island Safari’ experience, going beyond the traditional one-off safari engaged by many tourists visiting the island. “As a brand that is truly committed to promote and conserve Sri Lanka’s natural world, we believe that this partnership with Land Rover is a beginning of a long journey in celebrating what’s ours whilst also promoting and raising resources to research sensitive species across Sri Lanka’s wilderness,” he added.