Home » ColumnsWigneswaran ends courtship with media

Northern Provincial Chief Minister Canagasabapathy Visuwalingam Wigneswaran is a man of many parts. He was once a lawyer, then a magistrate and retired later as a Supreme Court judge. When he turned politician by becoming the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) chief minister candidate at last September’s Northern Provincial Council (NPC) elections, he courted the media. [...]
Govt. wrong-footed at Modi meeting

The message was delivered last Tuesday, the very first day he was in office as the fifteenth Prime Minister of India. Premier Narendra Modi asked President Mahinda Rajapaksa for the “early and full implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.” He said the Government “should expedite the process of national reconciliation in a manner that [...]
Modi Chinthanaya for a stable India

My Dear Narendra Modi, I didn’t think I would have to write to you so soon after sending you a letter a few weeks ago but I think I should, after hearing of what you have done in your first few days in office because I am worried that you may be committing some serious [...]
Modi’s challenging task of resolving India’s daunting economic problems

India’s economic problems are enormous. Any expectation that Narendra Modi could resolve them quickly is wishful thinking. Yet the massive political victory and Modi’s economic achievements in Gujarat have led to high expectations. However, a massive political victory is different to achieving economic success. Reviving a state economy is quite different to economic development of [...]
Brand Modi and the execution of a PR coup

Narendra Modi’s swearing in ceremony was probably the part of the Indian Lok Sabha election that became most visible to the outside world, with the inevitable attention it drew from the international media. Television viewers may have noticed that the ceremony and events that followed were redolent with symbolism, not just of Indian tradition anchored in [...]
Looking beyond the political polemic

A particularly cynical colleague of mine, incidentally a practising Buddhist who is enormously scornful of cultural traditions which he maintains has twisted the essence of Buddhism, has long been preoccupied as to why, (in his opinion), the late President Ranasinghe Premadasa was demonized as the killer of children while President Mahinda Rajapaksa has escaped this [...]
SAARC Heads cheer as Indians sing glory to the new crowned king

In no uncertain terms and without a blush for seeming impudent, India laid claim to the region’s sole superpower status this Monday by rolling out the red carpet and striking the high note of pomp and importance to accord Narendra Damodardas Modi not a swearing in ceremony for a prime minister but a coronation fit [...]