Jith teams up with Holy Family Convent for “You Got It Pussy Cat”
View(s):This time, a different kind of protagonist has inspired Jith Peiris’s imagination- the deceptively cute kind that would be perfectly content clawing at a ball of yarn.
The students of Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya under the direction of the veteran director are gearing-up to present a musical, “You Got It Pussy Cat” later on this month.
As you might have already guessed the story the girls of HFC will stage is about a cat. “Not just any cat,” Jith warns, this seemingly innocent and charming cat has even the king and queen wrapped around her tail and will stop at nothing to have it her way!
Jith’s love and support for developing the art of theatre is hardly a secret, but why he continues to push young enthusiasts seems to be a little on the artful side – a thing he has in common with his new protagonist. Tired of meeting highly qualified people who bore him to bits Jith’s task from his early days has been to “teach and inspire people to take what they learn at a drama class and use it in real life.” One would, according to him be amazed at just how much a simple thing like voice modulation could do. Currently working with school children as far as in the North and even in India he has at some point or the other helped schools that enter the annual Shakespeare Drama competitions over the years.
In all his years mentoring and inspiring young people Jith has however always been just an observer of HFC’s capabilities having never worked with them before. “One thing I always noticed is the rich tradition of drama in the school,” he says. Delighted to be given an opportunity to be a part of such a rich culture he now understands how the school has produced some remarkable acting in the past. “Apart from having a wealth of pure talent, these kids are really committed,” he smiles and agrees that the team from HFC is just a treat to work with. Being invited to direct the school play he feels the support for him to exercise his creativity as a director from the principal and even the teachers has been welcoming and encouraging, he shared.
A cast of easily over 100 students, 5 different types of dancing and different genres ranging from rock to pop from the 80’s and 90’s is enough to leave any director on pins but undaunted and fully confident in the girls he says “I Guarantee an evening of enjoyment.” Describing the play as in true Jith Peiris fashion to be a light and up beat kind of production he feels “the children will love it!”
The show is scheduled to go on stage from June 13- 14 at 7pm at the school auditorium.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 2000, 1500, 1000, 750 and balcony tickets are Rs. 500. For more information regarding tickets call,
Dreen – 0776079638
Berni – 0773502699.