The Indian Cultural Centre will screen a travel documentary film titled ‘Jagriti Express’ directed by Samina Mishra at 6.30 pm on Wednesday June 18 at its auditorium at 16/2 Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7. The film explores a trainload of enthusiastic adventures who sets out on a journey across India in an attempt to understand India’s [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

‘Jagriti Express’ shows how big and diverse India is


The Indian Cultural Centre will screen a travel documentary film titled ‘Jagriti Express’ directed by Samina Mishra at 6.30 pm on Wednesday June 18 at its auditorium at 16/2 Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7.

The film explores a trainload of enthusiastic adventures who sets out on a journey across India in an attempt to understand India’s diversity, its problems and possible solutions. As they live on the train for 15 days, they encounter not just changing landscapes but also the diversity among themselves. ‘Jagriti Express’ is a travelogue of India’s youth – watch them learn to manage with limited space and resources. See them explore projects like Aravind Eye Hospital and Gram Vikas and listen as they soak up myriad ideas from innovators like Joe Madiath and R Elango. Will this journey of a life time make a difference to the India of the future?

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